Tuesday, May 1, 2007


What is the gender of Satan? Does He/She/Transgender resembles anything living? What details holy Book gives on it?

More on this question: - It is projected in TV Evangelism on the Screen as one with two horns, fleshy in the middle, black and with an earth-touching tail. Since the total figure is cast in silhouette, one cannot identify the gender even with an eagerly and searching look all over it. No offence is meant. Sincerely speaking I am confused. What do they do? Who has deputed it to do all the evils and only the evils? Why no power can prevent it from doing nasty things? How they are neutralized by faith healers? Could some one explain its features and functions?

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

In ancient Jewish tradition Satan is simply an angel doing the work that God assigned to Satan to do.

The word Satan means challenger. With the idea of Satan challenging us, or tempting if you will. This description sees Satan as the angel who is the embodiment of man's challenges. This idea of Satan works closely with God as an integral part of Gods plan for us. His job is to make choosing well over evil enough of a challenge so that it becomes clear to us that there can be only one meaningful or logical choice.

Contrast this to Christianity, which sees Satan as God's opponent. In Jewish thought, the idea that there exists anything capable of setting itself up as God's opponent would be considered polytheistic or setting up the devil to be an equally powerful polarity to god or a demigod.

Oddly, proof for The Christian Satan/devil mythology is supposedly found in the ancient Jewish texts that were borrowed to create the bible. One can’t help but wonder how Christians came up with such a fantastically different interpretation of Gods assistant Satan in their theology.

Other hints about Satan’s role in human relations can be seen if you look at the name Lucifer. It’s meaning in the original tongue translates as Light bearer or light bringer. Essentially the bringer of enlightenment. The temptations of the Satan idea bring all of us eventually into Gods light. Hardly the Evil entity of Christian mythology. Love and blessings


1. Satan is male, and his consort, Lucifer, is female. Lucifer is female because she is the “light-bearer”, the “morning star”, which is Venus. Satan is a bad dumbo and Lucifer is a wise duvet (you could compare this with Adam & Eve where Eve was the clever one and Adam was good for nothing). And yes, it’s all mythology [but true anyway].

2. "It" is a myth. It does not exist. Satan is the antithesis to god. You can't something good, without having something else designated as evil. He is basically a cop out by people who do bad things. Satan is the entity people can blame when they do something they are ashamed of. For example, if someone has sex out of wedlock they get to say "I didn't give into the natural biology that made me become aroused. Satan tempted me, and it is Satan's fault".

Interesting fact about Satan. The name Lucifer means "Bringer of Light" or "Enlightened One". Basically, the bringer of knowledge. Isn't interesting that the "original sin" is gaining knowledge? What ulterior motives did the original church have by making the desire to gain knowledge a sin?

I have an interesting theory about Satan. One I would like to explore more if time would ever permit it. From the basic knowledge I have of religion, philosophy, mythology, and theology, I think it would be possible to compare, and show many similarities, between the "lives" of Socrates, Satan, Prometheus, and the one and only Jesus. There "lives" are very similar, and the goals and events in their lives are also very similar. I am sure there are more "people" throughout the worlds of theology and mythology who could also be included, but I am not aware of them all at this point.

*Added* I will assume I got the thumbs down for saying I could present a clear comparison/ similarity between the events of the "life" of Satan and Jesus.

3. Hi, I study in the original Texts of Christian Scripture; I wouldn't listen to a TV evangelist for advice on how many sugars to put in my tea. There is so much information on Satan in the manuscripts, that I could not possibly fit it all here, so I'll give a few facts:
First of all, whether or not Satan can change his gender is unknown to us; however, in the Garden of Eden he was definitely male;
How do I know? Because according to the Bible manuscripts, Eve's sin was not eating fruit; she was beguiled by Satan, which means, "wholly seduced".

3.Isaiah 14:12-15

12 How you have fallen from heaven,
O morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!

13 You said in your heart,
"I will ascend to heaven;
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. [a]

14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High."

15 But you are brought down to the grave,
to the depths of the pit.

4. Angels are most often portrayed as female. Probably because we think they are the most beautiful, but there is never a gender given to them in the Bible. The angel names seem to imply male, but I don't know that the Bible states they are male or female. Jesus, when answering someone’s question, said that in heaven we will be like the angels, neither marrying or giving in marriage. Some think this means that angels have no gender. In Genesis God told all creatures to go forth and multiply. This might not have been a purpose of angels. Not much of an answer, but then there's not much of an answer in the Bible.

5. Ezekiel 28:11-19 describes Satan. He was a covering cherub in heaven (angel that was before the throne of God). That's the same as the angels built in gold on top of the Ark of the Covenant. Very bright! Bedecked with jewels. Beautiful. Not some character with horns, tail & in a red or black suit. I think that's one of his deceptions to get people thinking know way is this guy for real.

The Bible says Satan is the father of lies - all bad comes from him. You should read "The Great Controversy Between Christ & Satan". It'll explain a lot.

God can prevent him from doing nasty things. But, if he were destroyed before people/angels saw all his evilness then God would be worshipped from fear of punishment instead of from love. He wants us to love Him. Through this whole "controversy" that's going on Satan is revealing his true self and his time is almost up. Ezekiel 28:18-19 says that Satan will be killed by fire and will be no more. He's NOT in charge of hell for ever - he's dead.

5. I think faith healers are frauds. There is definitely a power working there but it is not from God. The Bible says Satan works with lying wonders and can be transformed into an angel of light. Since Satan is causing the infirmity/disease he can cure it, too. One of the give-aways (Bennie Hinn is the only one I've seen) is the great show that is put on in the healing process.

Edit: Thumbs up, Malcolm! That's why Satan is evil - everything he does is against a loving God. Satan wanted to be God, but that's impossible and He got thrown out of heaven because of all the strife he created so he hates God & His creation - us. He'll do everything in his power to bring us down with him.

6. As far as I can tell, Satan has evolved and is no longer the evil being some people may still claim him to be.

To speak of evil in general would be less of a misleading way of thinking. The Satan idea may have been nothing more than a remnant of European scapegoat. It wasn't a Jewish tradition in any past life memory of mine.

7. According to Christianity there is only three holy things: God, father and holy spirit. But no women.
Remember that faithful apple because of which you are here?
So where is Idea of women came to God?
Why did God prohibit sex with women (eve) (for Adam not you)?
All this proves that Satan is a woman.

8. Forget every thing they describe about 'Satan'. People having bad thoughts and intentions to harm others are 'Satan' and well wishers of humanity are 'Deities' irrespective of gender. All the stories are exaggeration and tantalization of this fact. No Satan or Deities are elsewhere but in the people's mind, heart and character so don't get confuse.
By the way, what way will you choose to be, Satan or Deity? Ha---ha---ha. Well it's up to you.
9. But Satan refers to in Holy book as "HE" So Satan is a male....!but I have doubt when I meet my wife....!

10. "Satan" is not a person. place or thing. It is a name human beings have given to the energy of fear. All of the feelings of hatred, anger, greed, jealousy, rage, judgment, righteousness, all come from fear. The fear that we are not connected to each other, to GOD, to the all knowing, loving, accepting, joyous source from which we ALL come. The fear that we need more love, money, stuff to have peace and happiness, that we need to prove our worth to ourselves and to each other and to GOD. That we are all sinners and bad and powerless over ourselves. These are the thoughts and feelings based in fear, they have nothing to do with GOD these are feelings that move us away from GOD and into confusion, hopelessness, and desperation. When we approach our lives through the lens of these feelings when we see the world through the lens of these feelings and we make decisions and act based on these feelings, we will most assuredly place our minds and lives in a state known as "hell". You said that no power could prevent it from doing nasty things. WRONG. We have the power, all we have to do is change your minds, and then we can change our hearts. Change your mind from confusion and fear and anger and hatred and judgment and hopelessness and turn to the energy of GOD, to love and compassion and joy and inspiration and beauty and hope. See what happens to your mind and your life when you make the switch. It's all right inside of us he has given us the power of co-creation of our lives and of the Universe. He has given us CHOICE on how we view and act in the world and our actions will always be based on what is in our hearts, what we are feeling. We need to stop looking outside ourselves for the answers and focus on what is in our hearts, clear out the negative, the fear and confusion so that we can hear. Hear what GOD is saying to us, when we realize that connection and listen we will never be confused or afraid again, for we know that we are being guided by our source in every second of every day. Our source that created us to be exactly who we are, a part of the divine, a part of him brought forth to create love and beauty in our own special way in the world that he loves so much. That is the purpose for all of us, to create his love and compassion in the world.

11. I suggest that you turn your focus to "What is GOD" instead of what is Satan. We will always create what we are focused on. Be mindful of what you are focused on.

12.That is a question that is unimportant for us in these last days. All I know is he is a sinful being that wants to destroy me, and I don't care about his personal attributes.

13. Good question! I do know that Satan was one of God's most beautiful angels. He was one of his main angels, until it went to his head and he wanted God's power. Well that wasn't going to happen. So he became the fallen angel. But I never to question was he male or female. It was always assumed he was male. If I find out I will let you know

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