Monday, April 30, 2007


What (1) personal qualities, (2) commitments & (3) background you expect of from your present/ future husband?

More on this question: -

Your answer in detail covering all the three will help those (1) who live a married life and (2) plan a married life. Please respond to this question in community interest. lileeann33

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

Personally, I would overall look and observe him from all angle of perspective.
He should possess good character, have knowledge of family values and come from a good family background which projects his persona of how well to do and committed he would be in his marriage relationship with values and respect.


1. FOR A GUY. (1) Personal qualities. He has to be responsible, manly, masculine (fix things, not frilly, not heterosexual), like children, be able to work 40+ hour weeks, traditional, somewhat intelligent, strong. (2) Commitments. I'm not sure what you mean by this. I guess that he is not afraid of it and wants to marry soon. (3) Background. I am mixed race so I will never find a person of the same race as me. I think I prefer Caucasian men or Spanish men, or White mixed with another race (Mexican, Asian). He should be full-time employed, doesn't have to be super rich but needs a car and be able to live on his own and support our family

2. I am married but currently on the path towards Divorce, after to extortion, blackmail, threat and finally desertion and that too after I refused to pay anymore to my wife's folks!!
To me in a marriage both Man and Woman are equal and so the qualities that one needs to look for too are the same.
Below is what I learned from experience:

1. Personal Qualities - Do not fall for it. It could be covered up until after marriage.
2. Commitments - This also change from time to time so not dependable.
3. Background - This is probably the only factor that could help you learn your present / future better half including the above two factors. In fact you need to be bothered of not just his/her background but also his folk's background since upbringing has a lot of effect on a person

Value of time , money and food
Sound mental and physical health

4. A witty piece but I feel that there is some truth to it

What I Want In A Man, Original List ... (at age 22)

1. Handsome
2. Charming
3. Financially Successful
4. A Caring Listener
5. Witty
6. In Good Shape
7. Dresses with Style
8. Appreciates the Finer Things
9. Full of Thoughtful Surprises
10. An Imaginative, Romantic Lover

What I Want In A Man, Revised List ... (at age 32)
1. Nice Looking - preferably with hair on his head
2. Opens car doors, holds chairs
3. Has enough money for a nice dinner at restaurant
4. Listens more than he talks
5. Laughs at my jokes at appropriate times
6. Can carry in all the groceries with ease
7. Owns at least one tie
8. Appreciates a good home cooked meal
9. Remembers Birthdays and Anniversaries
10. Seeks romance at least once a week

What I Want In A Man, Revised List ... (at age 42)
1. Not too ugly - bald head OK
2. Doesn't drive off until I'm in the car
3. Works steady - splurges on dinner at McDonalds on occasion
4. Nods head at appropriate times when I'm talking
5. Usually remembers the punchlines of jokes
6. Is in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture
7. Usually wears shirt that covers stomach
8. Knows not to buy champagne with screw-top lids
9. Remembers to put the toilet seat lid down
10. Shaves on most weekends

What I Want In A Man, Revised List ... (at age 52)
1. Keeps hair in nose and ears trimmed to appropriate length
2. Doesn't belch or scratch in public
3. Doesn't borrow money too often
4. Doesn't nod off to sleep while I'm emoting
5. Doesn't re-tell same joke too many times
6. Is in good enough shape to get off couch on Weekends
7. Usually wears matching socks and fresh underwear
8. Appreciates a good TV Dinner
9. Remembers your name on occasion
10. Shaves on some weekends

What I Want In A Man, Revised List ... (at age 62)
1. Doesn't scare small children
2. Remembers where bathroom is
3. Doesn't require much money for upkeep
4. Only snores lightly when awake (LOUDLY when asleep)
5. Doesn't forgets why he's laughing
6. Is in good enough shape to stand up by himself
7. Usually wears some clothes
8. Likes soft foods
9. Remembers where he left his teeth
10. Remembers when...

What I Want In A Man, Revised List ... (at age 72)
These are the things I expect of my future husband:

1. Personal qualities--respect, intelligence, and a sense of humor.
2. Commitments--to me and our relationship, shown by love, trust, faithfulness.
3. Background--single, never married, Italian, Catholic

5. He must have a good look, patient, understanding as well as sense of humuor. I don’t really mind as long as he's Malaysian, Singaporean or Indian? Middle class would be ok! and same religion as mine, if he's not, he has to follow mine..

6. He should be caring, loving and understanding, and he know how to respect our elders, will be sanskari also...........

7. These are the things I expect of my future husband:

1. Personal qualities--respect, intelligence, and a sense of humor.
2. Commitments--to me and our relationship, shown by love, trust, faithfulness.
3. Background--single, never married, Italian, Catholic.

1) Personal qualities
You should start at looking at your own personal qualities. Do your best in what ever you do. Use these qualities of yours to influence and excite your husband or future husband to be. Do NOT expect any personal qualities.. if it happens it is a bonus to you and you can sit relax and enjoy.

2) Background
Expectation does not have any limits and often comes with disappointments. Embrace who he is who he will be and nurture his weakness and share his strength....

sensitive, yet masculine
business mind
have great morals
6'2 , hard worker
good in bed
great teacher, good listener
nice dresser ect...

Committed to his job
to me and the kids
to God
to having things in life
to being healthy
to making us happy even when happy isn't so happy.
Being a good lover
No mental problems
No jail time
Sober mother and father ( most likely he will be sober)
Hard working parents ( breeds a hard working child)


1) Personal qualities: 1st thing would be TRUST, "baby we can’t have love if don’t have trust"-I would say. 2nd would be LOYAL, being faithful to each other is very important. 3rd, Having RESPECT for one another. I could go on but these are my tops 3.

2)Commitments: He should always be there at reach when I need him in important situations, he has to be able to share task and responsibilities, and when i want "ice-cream!!!!!" damn he better get me the ice cream. He has to be committed to my goofiness, and when I wanna play PS3, damn hand me the controller when I say so. All this may sound silly but what's really important is knowing that you’re committed to each other that’s all it takes.

3) backgrounds....ohhhhh this is easy. doesn’t matter. I go for any. I am up for anything

10. This is a great question because it is so important to consider what your requirements, needs, and wants are before you get married. So many people don't do this kind of introspective work. For me personally, I have a very thought out list.

My relationship requirements are:
Emotional and physical safety
Emotional Awareness and expression
Open Communication
Verbal/Emotional Intimacy
Shared Vision of Life
Shared Sense of Humor
Recreational Compatibility
Being Valued and Cherished

My partner will be committed to creating a loving, passionate relationship and doing the work that it takes to maintain it.

My partner will be committed to making more money than he spends, securing our financial future, and celebrating money without letting it define or control him.

My partner will be committed to a healthy mind/body/spirit.

My partner will be committed to our family and providing our children will a positive, loving male role model.

My partner will be committed to me in his thoughts, words, and actions by saving all of his sexual energy for me.

Background doesn't matter. It is who you are on the inside that counts. Everyone loves the same, laughs the same, and feels the same.


Terri: The Passion Coach

12. 1.Smart, sobor and Intelligent 2. to give love, happiness and to be faithful to married life 3. well-educated and settled to maintain the family

13. Personal qualities
must have sterling qualities of humaneness ,character and discipline
2. Commitments
Loyalty to wife, and financial security to wife, family and children and parents.
3. background - good family background in being a good human being responsible to his family and to society.
14. Just stay single and have a boy toy,,,,, men wine and dine you to get you,,,, then change all the game rules once you are married. Background checks don't always help either,,,, they will only tell you if they broke the law, have hot checks, etc. It won't tell you if they are a person of their word or how they treat people. What are you to do then,,,,, interview every ex-wife and girlfriend they have had,,,,,, Family sure won't tell you. If they have to tell you that they are honest or nice,,, they usually are not...... honest nice people don't have to tell you,,,, you already know by their actions,,,,, funny how someone’s actions change once they have the trophy

How do you react to thanking our Lord through News Media and promoting Him?

More about this question:

The Deccan Chronicle, an Indian News Paper in its Chennai (India) edition – 3.4.2007 -published a coloured picture of Jesus Christ with the following message: - “Thank you Jesus for the Favours Received” This fulfills the thanking sense. Next a picture of Jesus Christ! Then this glorification! “May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved, adored and glorified throughout the world now and for ever, Amen.’ Now business takes over with an assurance. “Say this prayer nine times a day and your prayer will be answered” Now you will think that this is an unsolicited faith promotion by a Christian! No! He is a Hindu by name Ravichandran. In Kerala, the bastion literate State in India, scores of advertisements like this appear in most newspapers every day. Should genuine Christians laugh or cry on the image of Jesus Christ being presented and the fate of Christianity

BEST ANSWER - Chosen By Voters

Christians should embrace the image, if the image shows Jesus in a positive light.


1. I'm not so sure about the whole "say this prayer nine times a day" thing. That's getting ritualistic, which is something that the Bible warns against

2. I'm not a Christian, but I think there is a universal answer to this question. Thanking the Lord for the gift of life he has given to us should be in a subtle way; the Lord doesn't want us to thank him in a grand way with a lot of showoff, all he wants is a genuine prayer of thanks that comes right through us from the gratitude we feel for the great mercy the Lord has on us.
I am really against the commercialization of the real fine & pure aspects of our life in this way, I just hope people (like the one in ur case) stop being so artificial & mundane and learn to pray with a pure heart of love, hope & faith.
Hoping for the best.

3. The purpose is to draw more and more people's attention towards God, Lord or religion. Every religion does it by advertisement through posters, magazines, news papers, stage show, TV and even feature films.

4. The commonest refrain of all other religionists is that Hindus worship idols and we do not. I have observed that almost every religion has physical symbols that are held sacred or are worshipped. What if an idol is replaced by something else. Hindus worship the cow holding it to be sacred which has sound economic and moral justification others hold some species of animals as sacred and sacrifice them on certain days to god. What I do not understand is what is better to preserve the sacred or to destroy it.

5. Christians should only embrace the truth. I don't see this as being any good at all for Christianity. God is not at our beck and call, and no matter how many times you pray, if you're not in His will, your prayer will not be heard.

6. It depends on person to person and i will compare it to giving sacrifice. Like Hindu devotees sacrifice their tongue or other body part Christians give advertisement. If you ask me personally I will not do this.

7. Advertisement is advertisement with clear motive of self promotion and is to be seen with that angle only as the content of truth is a question mark

8. If his people won't praise him Jesus said, the rocks and stones will cry out! I think it's great.

8.This is the promotion of Christianity as a religion, and not as a personal relationship with God. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that if you pray a stock prayer nine times that your prayer will be answered. THAT'S religion!
9. All things work for the glory of God, according to the Bible. I don't have a problem with printing the prayer and a picture of Jesus. Anything that serves to remind us to thank Him for all things is good. Better than the BS rap songs, MTV etc. that glorify evil. My question is what is the difference in saying this prayer 9 times and a Catholic repeating the Hail Mary or Our Father multiple times? This is nothing to fear and it has nothing to do with business. It is a good message.


Do you believe in pure Christianity or Christianity added with wasteful fats over the centuries? More ……

…….Some observations to think about!

The Bible is the most misinterpreted book in the whole world. If you have an axe to grind you have plenty of verses in it to do the job for you.

"Amen, Hallelujah, Blessed be His name, God is living, Praise the Lord. His will be done" - these are some of the most fat-rendering, misused expressions utilised entirely for self-aggrandizement.

The Christianity at its origin was fat-free. Now it is fat submerged thanks to some of its wily followers.

If you have an option to choose what would be your choice – the original one or the corrupted one?


I would prefer the teachings established by St. Paul any day. This was what closely resembled Christ's original message. By the time Christianity was born, that original message had been adulterated (to the point of persecuting the followers of the original message).

Don't overlook the fact that Christianity came long after the first set of followers (who established what would later become Christianity) were gone. The original teachings were then mixed up with some pagan beliefs (like Christmas celebration to make the new one more popular), and with a few decrees here and there, the old teachings were taken over completely and Christianity was born


1. I would choose to follow the True faith without all that crap found in cults like Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormonism that was added centuries later.

2. I believe in pure Christianity

3. The very original one, which I still believe s the true religion but now it has been corrupted; too bad!

4. I don't quite get what you are saying. What is wrong with saying, "Amen, Hallelujah, Blessed be His Name, God is living, Praise the Lord. His will be done"? I don't see how these words can be used for self-aggrandizement. Perhaps some do, but I'm having trouble imagining how they do so. It seems to me that if anything, these verses would produce humility in the person, and it reminds them to not be selfish, but to think of what God wants.

5. I do think that many people ignore some of the most important verses of the Bible though, so I kind of understand a little bit of what you might be saying. For example, Jesus clearly taught to live a humble life with no attachment to material possessions, and yet many today seem to forget those verses. They seem to ignore the part where Jesus says how hard it is for a rich man to get into the Kingdom of Heaven
6.. I believe in the purest form of Christianity not the garbage that was added later at the Council of Nicaea and other so-called Church Councils.

7. Many religious groups who reject the pagan teachings, customs, doctrines, and holidays are considered "heretics" and "cults" such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, Christadelphians, Anabaptists and some of the Seventh Day Adventist groups. These groups reject worldly ideas and pagan holidays that infiltrated the churches centuries after Christ walked this earth. Jesus said that his TRUE disciples would be hated and spoken against, NOT accepted by the world or its political systems such as the mainstream churches that label them Christian but hypocritically follow the ways of the world.

8. I would rather be labeled as a "heretic" or a "cultist" then blindly follow a church system which has committed so much evil over the centuries, these so-called "Christian churches have taken sides in two world wars, blessing so-called "Christian" leaders such as Adolph Hitler and George Bush, while at the same time they profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. What hypocrisy! The church that was founded after the Council of Nicaea changed in nature. The early Christians were the "under-dogs" and were persecuted because they were viewed as a "cult" and enemies of the Roman Empire. After Nicaea all of that changed. The church became part of the state and persecuted other religious groups as "heretics" and "cultists" because a small number of TRUE "Christians" refused to follow the worldly ways of the Nicene Church and its so-called "Orthodoxy."

9. I believe in God's word the Holy Bible! So, yes; I believe in pure Christianity.

10. Since for a long time Bible did not exist in the form of a preserved and documented condition as human interjections in the text due to mischievous intentions or knave ness cannot be ruled out. Bible was meant for the Jewish people till the advent of universal message, so it is not for following after that. Whatever was true in Bible was reaffirmed since it had become imperative after the corruption of biblical text

11. I believe Christianity to be a relationship with God and not a religion... because religion makes Christianity a political institution with Bishops and Priests..... but I do go to Church for the simple reason of to remind myself that I'm not alone in this war on Earth....
I believe in what the Holy Spirit teaches me through the Bible nothing more or less.... everything I know comes from Him.....

12. I really don’t like religion.

13. The bible is my ONLY code of conduct, and I don’t think anyone should try to interpret it. Just don’t interpret it, read it, understand exactly what its saying, and there you go! God's word! Definitely worth living by I don’t NEED anyone to tell me what it says, I can go and read it myself. I can discuss it with people, see what they think, fine...but if the bible says THIS, I believe THIS.

14. You are right if you are upset with someone that really doesn't know the bible and you need to tell them where they are going just use that bible to beat them over the head with it I mean with Words that in the bible. I do not think God wants to take verses out of the bible to show people who never read the bible how right you are but if you read the whole chapter of the book you will find they can use one verse to use against you and now you upset that they lie, that what make so many people leave the Christian faith because they read the truth and the lie was forced on them by someone taking a couple verses out of the bible

15. Believe in Christianity. God wants us to praise him for everything. I agree that we are not to praise him for self-gratification. We are warned to not preach from the corners of the street or praise him just so others can hear how good we are and make ourselves feel better.

16. Yes, you’re right! Our nation is spiritually obese. What do you, and I, intend to do about it ?

17. Consider that your interpretation of corruption might not be the same as other people. The expressions you mentioned, when used by a born again Christian, have a lot of meaning and importance. People who casually throw these phrases around, and have no idea of their meaning are just being flippant and really have no idea what they are saying. The beauty is in the eye (or heart) of the believer.

Organ harvesting? Organ Gifting? Look at it from different angles and share your thoughts on it!

More on this question: -

Organ donation and harvesting are always looked on from religious and community interest angles. "The act hurts religious sentiments; those who gift their organs will not have it in their rebirth", these are some of the many arguments against it. "Gift Love, Gift life; Organ Donation is the noblest Godly act one can ever think of in one's life as it leases out a fresh new life", these are some of the arguments in its favour. Grind the issue in its finest detail in your mind and digest it in your brain and make the society richer in enlightenment on this issue with your elaborate answer. Many thanks in advance


I happen to favor the idea. I think its a gift you can give to someone and their family, promoting life. Isn't that what we're all about as spiritual people anyway? Promoting life, and the well being of others not only in life, but death too. Its one of the most unselfish things you can do, think of others either in your time of grief or when you no longer have life yourself.


1. Most religions make up their rules by men who have passed them down from previous rules from generations based on trial and error via variations of rules that did or didn't work based on the current economy of that religion! Silly rituals are concocted for reasons of power and out of man’s own ego and fears so that somehow if we coddle ourselves into believing the outcome of these rituals, then the unknown and the idea of death will seem less awful and scary. Just like in the Old Testament, ritual after ritual we relate to this God through these rituals thinking that giving an unphysical God all this physical and egotistical attention, we will gain favor with "him." In reality, God is simply an unfathomable, ball of lit up intelligence that probably would find all this ritual ridiculousness petty and pointless. Yet since we are in a physical world, we have this desire to physical-ize him- in art, in depiction, and in how we worship him. If we remove the physical rules and doings from the God equation, we only have his loving essence, which is who we are and what our sprit is considered. When this loving "essence" is tapped into, and we connect with that, than the only "rule or ritual" we technically should be following is listening to and carrying out that essence! So in thinking of serving God, you are serving your higher, loving self, and the rest is all an illusion, including the temporary physical earth we "see," and live in, including the shallow physical "rituals" we engage in. Not allowing your disciples in any religion to not be able to pass on your organs after you are dead in order to give LIFE to another is simply another man made, fear based rule, again fear of the unknown that somehow you will be punished because you are "incomplete" when you leave this earth. But really, when you leave this plane, you are PERFECTLY complete, because the ONLY part of THIS life that you take with you when you die, is your ESSENCE! And to the point that you evolved in your essence. So if you are giving up a no longer working piece of you to help another, how is that NOT the workings of a loving essence? Do we want to live in FEAR or do we want to live our live out of LOVE!??

2. In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most merciful
From an Islamic perspective we learn that the preservation
of life is above all else. After much thought Islamic scholars
are still divided on this issue bur in general Organ transplanting and gifting has been made permissible but
with certain restrictions which would depend upon individual
case scenarios.
In any case sale of any organ is nor permitted.
The donor should not put himself at risk of any kind to donate
a particular organ.
Only organs that will not put anyone’s life to risk can be donated. For example you cannot donate your heart as you will die so such organs are not allowed to be gifted.
Risk ratio must be analysed and compatibility should be thoroughly examined if there is any doubt of risk to both the donor or the recipient then it should not be carried out.

As far as donating organs after death, It may be permitted in
very special cases after advice from reliable Islamic scholars
But generally Islam does not permit the body of Muslim to be
dissected for any reason other than medical investigation


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