Friday, May 18, 2007


Please suggest means and measures to cultivate/enforce living values and discipline at home?
More about this question:

A loving and healthy home is where love, character, commitment and discipline exist. To my thinking all these are progressively on the wane. Besides all types of addiction too have taken over most in the community, particularly the young among us. In this light what are your suggestions/advices to prevent such calamity spreading over ruining family life and values? Along with me more readers will benefit by your advice

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

The family needs to have a solid structure. Jehovah's Witnesses find that the loving headship principle in the Bible provides this:

"A husband is head of his wife as the Christ also is head of the congregation, he being a savior of [this] body." (Eph 5:23)

“Husbands, continue loving your wives.” (Eph. 5:25)

“Fathers, do not be irritating your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline & authoritative advice of Jehovah.” (Eph. 6:4)

"These words that I am commanding you today must prove to be on your heart; and you must inculcate them in your son and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up. " --Deuteronomy 6:6,7

"Husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself, for no man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it, as the Christ also does the congregation,." (Eph 5:28-29)

Family Life That Pleases God :
1 What is the husband's position in the family?
2 How should a husband treat his wife?
3 What responsibilities does a father have?
4 What is the wife's role in the family?
5 What does God require of parents and of children?
6 What is the Bible's view of separation and 7 divorce?

Spend Time With Your Family!
- The Communication Gap
- Help From God's Word

Protect Your Children!
- Your Child Is in Danger!
- How Can We Protect Our Children?
- Prevention in the Home
- Common Misconceptions
- If Your Child Is Abused

Child Molesting---You Can Protect Your Child
- The First Line of Defense
- Talk to Your Child About the Danger
- Follow Their Instincts
- How Can We Tell Them?
- The "What if ... ?" Game
- Give Them the Words
- Be Alert Yet Balanced

Drug Abuse in the Family--What Can You Do? :
- Young People and Drugs
- How to Protect Your Children
- Soon---A Drug-Free World!

Drug Abuse:
- Who Abuses Them?
- Why do They?
- The Solution to Drug Abuse

The Family Under Threat---Will It Survive?

2006 Report
Jehovah's Witnesses Worldwide


1. Get away from the mad, mad, mad, cities, seek nature.

2. Dear Friend,
I appreciate your feelings and thoughts. Yes, it is true that now-a-days youngsters are losing moral values and principles to be followed in one's life. To prevent such calamities, elderly people should provide good environment for the youngsters. For the purpose, they have to correct their own mistakes in their lives and become a role model for the younger generation. But, there are also many youngsters who are attaining good personality with the influence of many prominent persons they have come across. Today, there are lots of good books, cassettes, and even good friends to get with. First of all, the youth should learn to behave in a society. Spiritual knowledge and understanding is very essential for everyone. There is no age group for learning spiritual teachings. It is better to start at a very young age. The younger the age to start with, the better the understanding. Anyway, there are so many Spiritual Masters in the world from whom we all need to seek blessings

3. Strengthen the family system.
People needed to be educated on the importance of value system in preference to the purely monetary conditions taking precedence in importance.
Children should be discouraged from wasting their time in idling in front of the idiot box. Encourage to inculcate such healthy practices like yoga, meditation, and prayer.

4. Practice what you Preach

5. One has to make certain rules! Of course every rule has an exception too! Make maximum togetherness of all available family members at one fix time DAILY FOR AT LEAST HALF AN HOUR! Try to ask suggestive AND OBJECTIVE questions and answers in between them! No one should be left without speaking anything ! Ask what they have done good or bad or average for that day! Always enhance all creative or pleasurable activity with family members ! Try FREE and FRANK communications between all the members irrespective of their age sex income education etc should be kept apart for this daily meeting! ONLY LOVE AND RESPECT should be observed and there should be one final authority usually eldest or who is very smart and active among the family! Ask and teach all juniors not to hide any thing from any one and try to get help for their own individual problems if any! Let all in the Family sit at one place every day for Prayer at least! The authority or main or leader or elder one in the family should see that not a single person is displeased or hurt! There should be always LOVE and RESPECT WITH SYMPATHY God bless you !


Harvesting of souls through conversion! Why? For What? What is the Agent’s reward? Where he/she gets it?

More on this question: -

Brain-washed Missionaries roam around in developing countries with an eye to convert the distressed offering relief, reward, service and other benefits with an eye on converting them to their fold. What do you feel about it? Should not nations that take pride in its heritage ban conversion unless it was an act solidly based on genuine faith? Why not Immigration laws be made applicable in conversion too? A religion you are born is your mother? Should one disown one's mother and search for others on brain-fed falsehood?

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

Religion is not mother but way of life, a path to attain objectives set by our Creator. Showing alternate path (teachings of new religion) which may appear easy to a person to attain the same common objective is an goodly act and not a sin. Please have a faith that there is only One God.


1. oooh scary....maybe we all should lock ourselves in our rooms and never come out!

2. This a very deep question. I think you might be over thinking this. It is not the same as standing on the border of the USA and Mexico. Do you belong to both countries because you are standing with one foot in each one? Of course not! I say let's be a little more flexible. You're trying too hard.

3. Well, yes. Missionaries have been committing cultural genocide for centuries now. Religious missionaries are just another group of people trying to get their way in the world; it's a war really. What do they get? They get to spread their virus, like "invasion of the body snatchers."

5. James 5 v 19 Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; 20Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

6. Wouldn't it be nice if Bush and Cheney the "professed converted Christians" would be converted and stop the sin of murdering and stealing.

7. If anyone really want to do something for people, he should empower the people spiritually and not buy their beliefs/religion in exchange of bread.
Why people promote/spread a particular religion? They are not helping humanity at all. They are enslaving them.

8. You have some interesting filters on the glasses through which you view the world. Faith and love prompts people to wish to share their experience of the spiritual. Every loving person would wish others to share the knowledge that God loves them, and that they have divine potential.

No one is forced to accept a religion out of gratitude for services rendered. Most people who convert to another faith have genuinely had spiritual experiences, which change their heart. If you ban that, you ban people's freedom of choice.

9. Can you tell me how exactly are you going to judge 'solid faith'?
I mean seriously. You can't tell people to stop doing what they like jus b'coz you think it is wrong. Maybe you haven’t thought about it but don't you think that d people who convert from there religion put thought into their decision?
After all they leave behind all that they have believed since birth in most cases.
coz doing good always takes more effort than doing wrong.
Nobody is born with a religion
There is only 1 God who loves us unconditionally

10. Poverty begets conversion not faith when u r hungry who ever gives food first is ur religion at that moment most Christian missionaries are doing this example seventh day Adventists they r paying 900/month to every person who converts

11. Mark 16:15 to18 Jesus told his disciples to go into the world and preach the good news

12. Reward? Hm! Let me think if somebody ones to through your laptop in fire and you get to save it in the last minute, which would be your reward?


What qualities should you give importance when you choose your spouse? Do materialistic gains influence you?

I live in the Democratic Republic of India. Here we have so many laws with umpteen loopholes to circumvent it. Dowry is prohibited, but prevalent. Even highly educated and religious people bargain for it or indulge in violence over it. The aggrieved are the women folk. Should we not observe a code of conduct in the observance of marriage? I admit it is difficult; then what is the remedy?

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

I have lived in India as a foreign student for more than six years and even married my classmate. Indians, for the most part, go for loveless arranged marriages based on narrow considerations such as caste, employment and family status, lucrative gains from the 'rishta'. You would have, unfortunately, little choice than to follow your parents choice unless u r a rebel. No code of conduct matters in such a lawless, conservative and backward country. People are still very traditional there. No wonder, the young aspire to flock to the USA , Canada, Australia etc. India is not going to change merely by passing laws when there is so much resistance to change and reform. Do you follow any of the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, Baba Ambedkar, Swami Dayanand, Ramakrishna and so on ? None! It will take another century before India accepts love marriages and the girl's right to inheritance. In my wife's case, her brother stole her rightful share of property. That guy even married his wife without having seen or met the girl let alone dating her! Only thing that mattered is the right caste! India shining, say the Hindutva forces


1. At the end of the day you want someone that you can share your life with................. That’s all that counts.

2. I am not familiar with your customs, but elsewhere in the world there are places where men and women choose one another freely.

They offer many reasons for such choosing. Some are better than others if you want to ensure a long and happy union.

Selecting a life-long mate is an important task, and since we are on a Religion and Spirituality question board, I am going to use some religious criteria.

A couple should be of one mind on religion, and other major life topics. Raising children, for one. Setting up a household, sharing money, joint finances, who will care for the children, who will work outside the home, things like that.

It is important the there be as little as possible to cause divisions between the two. Religion included.

The Bible speaks of avoiding the situation of being "Unequally yoked". This refers to a farming term (because the people hearing these religious words were farmers....) If you were to connect a strong animal and a weak animal to a plow, you are bound for trouble. First of all, your rows would probably not be straight, as the strong animal would pull in his/her direction. The weak animal, however, may slow the whole process down, and in effect, drag the strong animal down. The two animals may end up hurting themselves in the process, so now you have two damaged animals, neither of which can finish the job of plowing.

Unequally yoked marriages have built-in issues relating to the differences in philosophy. They are holes in the armor, and places where difficulties are prone to begin.

Love, too, should be present for a long-lasting marriage. Love is the ingredient that helps you get over the difficult times. And, there will be difficult times.

With the world beginning to recognize the women can stand alone and survive just fine, they are also beginning to recognize that women can make sound choices in selecting their mates, as well.

Some cultures profess that women are weak, and need to be cared for. People even misunderstand Christians as saying the same thing. This is untrue.

True Christianity brings women equal to men in the eyes of the Lord. In a marriage, however, the man has been deemed as the final authority when it comes to the family. This means that the man is to make the final decisions, and that the woman is to follow that decision.

It does not say that the woman is a silent partner. Women are expected to have their say, and give their opinions. Men are expected to listen well, and understand the woman's perspective.

When I teach classes on the subject, I put it this way. The women are supposed to say their piece honestly and openly. Then, the men are supposed to agonize over the decision, and make the one they truly believe is in the best interests of the family. Once the decision has been made, the family's responsibility is to follow the decision to the best of their ability.

From time the time, a man makes a bad decision. At that point it is the responsibility of the man to admit this fact, and ask forgiveness not only of God but of his wife and family as well. The wife, especially, is to be supportive and refrain from the "I told you so" type of behavior. They should work out a new plan together.

So, two people planning a marriage must consider these things, and determine if each one is compatible and ready to work as a team member

3. Look for character -- strong, independent character
Look for personality -- good and pleasing personality
Upbringing and culture
Education and grooming
Speech and action

4. What qualities are important to you? Who says you have to stay in India? Why do you condemn "freedom of expression" in one question, and then complain about having to deal with "tradition" in another?

5. I think most people think about looks, money. yes especially money be it male or female. I think ideally one should think about compatibility. I will look for honesty, dependability and intelligence.

6. No matter where Jehovah's Witnesses live, they strive to follow Bible principles, rather than cultural or religious traditions. This results in much better relationships, all the way around!

"Do not you people be owing anybody a single thing, except to love one another; for he that loves his fellowman has fulfilled [the] law. For the [law code], 'You must not: commit adultery; murder; steal; covet,' and whatever other commandment there is, is summed up in this word, namely, 'You must love your neighbor as yourself.' Love does not work evil to one’s neighbor; therefore love is the law’s fulfillment." Romans 13:8-10

What Inheritance Do You Owe Your Children?
(dowry included in discussion)

Negotiating a Reasonable Bride-Price
(includes some experiences of Jehovah's Witnesses)

What Is REALLY Needed for a Successful Marriage?

Can Money Bring You the Real Life? :
- Your Money or Your life?
- How Can You Keep a Balanced View of Money?

7. Don’t give or take, live and die for each other. If u have fallen in a vicious trap Laws are meant to be broken by the rich and powerful

8. A pleasant personality
Education and culture
Should not be an evil person
A positive attitude towards life.

9. Did you care to verify the facts rather care to understand the system, before typing the question?

The culture and the Vedic Wisdom in this great country show the way, answers every question.
"This may sound like a newly discovered concept by modern psychologists but an ancient Hindu prince known as Yudhishtira revealed this "secret" about 4000 years ago. In an episode known as Yaksha Prashna in the Aranya Parva of that great epic, the Mahabharata, a divine being challenged the prince in exile to answer some questions, satisfactory answers to which may help restore the lives of his “dead” brothers (See my book Yaksha Prashna: A Hindu Primer, Second Edition, published by Periplus Lines LLC and released by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalore, April 2001). One of the questions the Yaksha asked Yudhishtira was

"kimsvin mitram grhesatah?" i.e. Who is the friend of a householder?

To which the prince answered

"bhaaryaa mitram grhesatah," i.e., the friend of a householder is his spouse.

According to Hindus, therefore, the basis for marriage is friendship and such friendship is the understanding, the promise and the commitment that unites a man and a woman. With such authority, there is then no question about the role of a woman, her importance and her position in this equation that binds them together. "
From a most widely read article written by Dr.Sheenu Srinivasan

10. I see nothing incorrect about someone who has been endowed with nice things, as long as it was legal. But to hold down someone socially because she is a female, is not only a primitive action, but a selfish one too! When we all die, it will be very hard for those with personal wealth to carry it with them. God Bless a Good heart!!

11. Well materialism has also its importance but mostly try to see if you have connection in all the moments if you get in a good communication.

12. I do not wish to hurt your feelings, but not long ago in one of your laws the wife would have been burned alive with her dead husband.
Now I am hopping and praying that most of your country's laws have been changed.
Some do get married for money and some for love. It depends on you and your partner. At the end you are the one who has to decide, to go which way.

13. Same beliefs, morals, ideas on how to raise a child, goals, like the good book says can't have two masters and mammon is not one to worship


What are the practical ways to live our life? Practical ways can mean both good and bad!

More on this question: -

I live a good life – this includes a 'good Samaritan' life too - strictly according to my conscience and thoughts. But I always land in scorched earth. Why? Does not textbook specification of good qualities in life work?

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

One practical way to live life is to be as good as you can, while still focusing on ending physical death. I need your help! Let's get to work!


1. You have to do good things for yourself and what u believe ... if ur expecting a reward ur in for a rude awakening ...but i do think that doing good things for others generally brings good things ur way ..

2. We are evil by nature.
It is practical to pick and choose what we will honor and what we will lie, cheat and steal about. We make up own ethics as we go and call it the standard for the universe because we exalt ourselves as GOD even though we don't call it that.

That is practical and it is the social norm.
I am totally impractical. I attempt every day to use GOD's standards of ethics and morals and measure my standards to those. I fall way short. Praise Jesus who made a way to be very impractical

3. Dear create in urself confidence that whatever is with u is given by God and whatever will be with u in future, it will be with HIS blessing. He has written on ur forehead ur fortue, u just trust him and do nothing wrong which ur soul do not accept. Adopt the principle "think higher-see toward lower.

4. First up, I totally disagree with an answer above that starts saying, we are by nature evil. Imagine a just born kid being evil) It signifies heights of innocence and goodness. It is subsequent conditioning that makes us evil/bad
Coming to the question, practical ways to live life - Living it Bad way does not need an answer, I guess we all do it without any effort and so easily. Living it good way is a tough task. We need lots and lots of guidance to do that. Love everyone and yourself - I guess just following this is most practical and best way to live life King-size. Nothing else matters

5. Try living in remote village and compare with u r city life u will have the answer

6. You have to apply the process of elimination. The actions and thoughts, which do not contribute towards happiness, have to be given up. The thoughts and actions which provide happiness have to keep continue.

7. Unfortunately, there is no alternative to doing good. Sometimes, however karma (the law of cause and effect) comes to play; the effect of something you did much earlier may turn up and cause some upsets. As we move up spiritually, these 'karmic debts' tend to show up more, as in 'you have to pay up now because you are moving away from the location.' You may also need to check to see that you are making the right choices even in your 'good Samaritan' acts.

8. Live happily; help others; do not expect too much rewards over your efforts; do not have too much expectations on anything.
Reward or punishment it is only as you take it; it is internal.

8. Are you doing the "Good Samaritan" life for your own benefits or for the glory of God?

9. You live a good life. How good? People can call you a good person, but you cannot ever be called perfect. Nobody can.

Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

Have you ever said a mean word? Have you held a grudge? In that case, you are not perfect. You are a sinner.

To tell you the truth, NOBODY deserves ANYTHING! You don't even deserve your own existence. Everything we have was given to us by God. It was at first perfect, but we messed it up by breaking God's Laws.

You can never be good enough. I can never be good enough. That's why Jesus died for us. He took our sins upon Himself, because He is perfect. He died in our place, so that we might live. He also came back to life, and He wants to know you.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

If you "believe in Him", then you will be saved.
Think about it... it's not the "good Samaritan" life that saves. It's faith

I wish to invest in Mutual Funds. Could you suggest the best one and the plus and minus points in MF investing

I wish to invest my savings in a Mutual Fund of repute and not in the ones floated by the neorich. Please help me with your expertise.


1. Well, I'm not neorich. I've been investing in Mutual Funds since 1970. Funds of repute . . . there are about 23,000 open end mutual funds quoted in the US plus a 1,000 or so closed end funds plus about 500 exchange traded funds. In reality, no one need more than the funds offered by Fidelity or Vanguard.(each has more than 100 unique funds).

Funds are designed to be suited to each individuals situation. Since you give no details about yourself (age, income, health, goals, other investments, etc), there is little anyone can recommend to you.

Why use funds? By design the volatility of funds is managed. Steep drops in their investments is why people lose money . . . you feel you must sell at the BOTTOM.

Over the past 10 years, AMD (#2 computer chip maker) goes up or down 20% in a typical month. The Fidelity Select Electronics mutual fund (the largest technology fund) goes up and down 10% in a typical month . . .and is well ahead of AMD from 5/2/97 - 5/2/07. Thus you are more likely to continue to hold the mutual fund than the stock and benefit from its growth.


2. Look into an equity fund, these are made yup of stocks that mirror the entire stock market so it will pretty well track the market performance. Look for a no load fund.


3. Reputable would mean no sec investigations. Best place to research mutual funds would be there are a LOT of good ones and no loads (meaning no buying or selling fees) are better in the long run. I have done funds before migrating into the volatility of ETF's and enjoying better success with them overall. Good luck though


The strength and weakness of India! Respecting its limitations, your suggestions to raise it to a model State?

This question is addressed to world citizens and not to Indians alone. Please send your response.

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

1) Nationalise all religious places.
2) No Government jobs, no reservation, no ration card, ineligibility for contesting elections or no share in the benefits of government schemes for those having more than 2 children.
3) Tax heavily on savings in absolute terms.
4) Tax benefits on expenditure.
5) Welfare and social security cover to tax payer in proportion to their contribution to exchequer.
6) Automatic license for fire arms to PAN card holders.
7) Time bound justice dispensation.
8) Limiting role of bureaurocracy to secretarial functions only.
9) Limiting the tenure of prime minister to two terms only.
10) Allowing the professionals to hold ministerial berths without compulsion to contest elections.
11) Making military training compulsory.
12) Enforcement of rule of law at all place without exception.

Strength-Hard work
Weaknes-Corruption, Population


1. Lower the population. With such a high population, your nation is doomed to having a huge poverty class.

2. Strength - People (Individually people are brilliant, high entrepreneurs, etc). Take the IT boom, without any government guidance or support, individuals have created a name for India.
Weakness - Lack of good governance and lack of vision by the rulers

3. Strengths: Blind faith in Religion, Unity in time of crises, Existence of family in our society even by adopting westernization (Most important)
Weaknesses: The illiteracy (most importantly), negative diversion of ratio in relativity of composition in every field in the society, corruption on top level, commercialisation of education & religion, Vulgarity in entertainment for trade, unclothing & using female bodies to promote trade, blind faith in Religion.

We have crossed the limits very far in most of the area. Of course we have progressed & developed but loosing our moral values.

The governing body of the Nation must make sure the 100% availability of healthy & hygienic food "the first basic right" to each of its' citizen, as this is the only the resource which brings up & maintains an developed mind in human body, which is only the organ directing & controlling human activities.

Literacy (includes education) is the resource for rise & fall of any society, which can be ascertained by an healthy mind, that to from the rising stage (from birth itself). To day most of our children are not even able to get mother milk even, because of mother not being fed all,(breakfast, lunch & diner).

Those who are, engaged with business / law / medical / education etc. in society are governed (at top) by such personnel, most of whom have no morals as they are basically illiterate, and even if some personnel with moral exists there, they are compelled to act inconsistence with the others because of our more fluctuating Democratic system. Corruption had rooted very deeply in our governing system which needs total review in such way that corruption is totality eradicated from top and from Society.

It looks easy to narrate but surely very difficult task ahead all of us. My few suggestions:
(a) Word "rights" be removed for every one, from each rules and awareness of "duty" has to be brought in each mind by performing which truly the rights of each one is protected on its' own.
(b) A Constitutional amendment be brought in constituting the basic rights "food, cloath &shelter" to each one and listing "fundamental duties" removing "fundamental rights".
(c) Voting be made an compulsory duty for all citizens (voting members), from where ever they are living.
(d) Mandatory characteristic for each political member be laid down and who fulfils these, he only be inducted in politics not any voting member of Nation.
(e) A befitting educational system for each children inducted to be compulsory upto 12th stander and admission to professional education must be on basis of performance at 10th & 12th stander.
(f) Entertainment to children (at home as well as at school) to be done away with commercialisation and it must be based to build up moral with entertaining.

Many more thing are there could be listed but if useful!

4. Strength: Intelligent, Talented and hardworking- human force.

Weakness: Lack of leadership towards utilisation of above resources.

HRD ministry should work towards tapping countries potential for all segments of trade and industry rather than stay put with reservations for creamy layer rather than deserving.

India with such vast resources bleeds because a select few try to corner all available roles and pose as know all and there are no systems to utilise subject experts. This single act immensely harms any development and growth.

5. First, system of Presidential type may be adopted as there is rampant privatisation. Public enterprises are vanishing from the scene of economy. Private enterprises are dominating the market forces. Socialistic pattern is vanishing from our constitution. The features of capitalism are surfacing. So presidential system is suitable for the country and then it will become strong and reforms will be implemented true to its spirit because there is one strong person at the helm. Then it will become model state.

6. Strength of India, intelligence, hard work & manpower. The weakness is low percentage of education, poverty becoz of population, & non efficient govt & its policy.
For raising it to a model state, many changes to do first educate the 100%, & second control the birth rate.

7. You start with Rome and the USA. Then add and write into the constitution those thing that have proved to be conducive to a corrupt society, militarism and campaign contributions.
Use the computer and the Internet to modernize the society, education and health. Include in the Constitution measures to limit monopolies and media concentration.
Because of the example of the USA, its success and its failures, the knowledge is there, the political will may not be.

8. Strengths:- Vast area ,good climate in most of the days, mineral wealth, soft nature of the people, limited basic needs, adaptability.

Weakness:- Social inequality, cunningness of upper class particularly among educated bureaucrats and judiciary, lack of education, superstition and population explosion

1. Free education 2. Work for the poor to earn daily livelihood 3. Social equality in temples and places of worship
4.50% jobs, ruling positions to women 5.Equal share in ancestral wealth to women 6. Opportunities to easy divorce settlement and remarriage & public child care units for all children. 7. Infrastructural developments evened out to all states 8. Proper pricing for agricultural products 9. Industrial growth

9. Strength of India is flexible constituency- police and judiciary. Weakness is corruption
1) It all happens because Police force is put under politicians. They will use excessive force or not at all depending upon views of existing Govt.. If police are made to report to impartial Professional Committee such behaviour could be eliminated
2) In the constitution, fair justice to all is guaranteed .In order to achieve this no time frame is mentioned. Secondly, Judiciary involves judges, lawyers and their clients. which are part of society. Whatever good or bad things are in society, are reflected in the above mentioned parts. We can not single out any one part to blame

10. Strength- Honesty ,cultural heritage n Geographical locationLimitations- Inertia, Religions, Caste System

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