Friday, May 18, 2007


Can castration be an effective deterrent
against rape and child sexual abuse?


The unrestrained sexual vulgarity promoted by cash-hungry Television channels accounts for progressive instances of rape and sexual abuses most of which go unreported due to social pressure and criminals’ threats. Even infants are sexually abused and killed. News Media reports many such cases. Mahatma Gandhi said India would be considered free only when its women folk could walk alone at midnight unharmed. If this is the criterion India is still not free. Even in daylight and in crowds and at home and work places women move and live in fear of either being molested or raped in seclusion. Many violators also enjoy political protection and some live under the shelter of criminals. Two ministers of the Kerala Cabinet – Kerala is an Indian State - under the successive regimes of Congress and Communism had to leave post on sexual abuse charges. A heinous crime calls for a deterrent punishment. Can castration of the abused human tool be an effective deterrent?

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

Castration might help reduce the urges, but it does not eliminate the problem. Castration only removes the glands, not the part that is used to do the raping. People who have had castration done can take male hormones and be just as harmful as before. In addition, not all male sexual abusers use their male parts in their crimes. They may use objects.

It might have some deterrent effect for those who are temped in this direction, particularly if a penectomy is performed along with the castration. "If you abuse with it you lose it!"


1. It’s cruel and unusual

2. I'd say so.

Oh, CASTRATION can deter a lot of things.

Even if it's not a deterrent, anyone who is castrated is 100% guaranteed not to repeat that crime. Unless, of course, that crime is lying around.

Is it the best punishment? That's a different kettle of fish.

Although, I've always been in favor of not allowing anyone to commit more than three crimes. If you commit that many crimes, then decapitation could be a viable option, as you simply do not play well with others. For some crimes, you might not even get three strikes

3. And rape and abuse aren't about sex. It is about power. So, no, it wouldn't help, unless the drop in testosterone mellowed them out.

4. Unfortunately I think the justice system in the US is too tolerant towards cases like those and capital punishment should be considered.

We are now facing a new secular generation of gunmen and sexual predators and our justice system needs to adapt accordingly, or we're going to have overflowing prisons and loads of sexual predators on the streets

5. Not practical; Hitler failed

6. In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful.
Brother, Most of The Religions, cultures and societies of today have become EVIL because they are not addressing the
problems facing the masses but rather they are just Aiding
and abetting evil concepts for power and worldly gains. We on the other out of loyalty to our countries and religions, just
murmur a few objections, yet hang on to the bandwagon for
fear of rejection in fighting against the truth.
Today religions and democracies are for the people , by the
people and of the people in the true sense. Government and
religious heads stay in power by agreeing to the evil demands of society. Adultery, rape, nudism, alcohol,
homosexuality, gay marriages, lesbianism are all allowed in the name of democracy and secularism so much so that today if you speak against such vices you can get sued in the
bargain .The entire process needs a revamp and the answers
to all of these problems lies in Isalm.

Today Islam is the only Religion that not only has the solutions
to the problems of mankind but shows you a practical way of
how to achieve it. Islam is built on the commandments of Allah
our creator and He the almighty knows best how to handle his
creation. Islam is a practical way of life that stands for
RIGHTS and LIMITATIONS! Islam first goes after the root
causes of evil and then finally prescribes swift and permanent action that has a telling effect on society.

The Greatest success for mankind in this world and in the hereafter is to worship the one God our creator and submit
ourselves to him in the way that he the almighty has prescribed to us through his messengers and prophets and
through the books of revelation. No Human can have true faith
in his heart unless he loves Allah and his messenger Muhammad [ pbuh] above all else and obey the Commands of Allah the almighty and Follow the ways of the Prophet
Muhammad [pbuh}.

Islam Has totally forbidden Alcohol one of the Greatest and the root cause of all the evils of society. One will find that most
of the crimes like rape, molestation, incest , adultery, Murders
etc. have been committed under the influence of Alcohol.
under the Islamic law severe punishment is meted out
towards Alcohol and Drugs .That is why in Muslim countries
which implement the Islamic Shari'ah the crime rate is negligible.

To prevent Rape and molestation of women Islam prescribes
the death penalty. People of double standards call this a very
harsh punishment as long as it involves someone elses
child or daughter, of wife or sister but if it involves some one
whom they love then they would like to put the criminal to
death with their own hands! Why these Double standards?
But first Islam offers the solution leading to the ultimatum.
Islam prohibits the unnecessary mixing of the opposite sexes, It
advices the Men to lower their Gaze and not to keep staring at women and dress up in a permissible manner. Islam advices the women not to mix with unknown men, to cover
their beauty by dressing up moderately, covering what needs
to be covered and only leaving open that what is necessary
like the face , and hands. Islam prescribes severe lashing for the single men and women who commit Adultery and the death
sentence for married people who commit Adultery. So when
you implement these strict Islamic laws in any country you will
get immediate results. That is why you will find in countries that
implement The Islamic law women and children can walk about
at any part of the night alone and no one will dare to approach them.
Mahatma Gandhi also said that India can be successful on all
levels if it had a man of the caliber of the second kalifa of Islam Umar Ibn Khatab [pbuh] to rule over it.
My friend only the worship of One God and adhering to his
religion of Islam will bring peace and happiness in this world
and in the next,


Holy Quran, Ways of the Prophet[pbuh]


9. You are asking to punish only the end result or in other words the "effect". But in the " cause and effect" series both are to be tackled to get the desired effect.

Causes:- Media primarily cinema, lack of character, tolerance in the admission of bad things . Effects:- abuses

10. It sure would make the victim feel better.

11. I would be totally for that but it wouldn't change what is in their head. I look at this situation with John Evander Cooey and what he did with Jessica Lunsford. I think I would want to stop him at the point where he thought that having sex with a kid would be all right. I wish he had gotten some kind of help and monitoring the first time he ever tried to attack a child. Sure he was high but didn't he ever for a minute think, "I messed up! I've got to send this girl out of here and clean up and run away. He threw her away and didn't look over his shoulder. Her suffering was just too bad. He decided that if it were to be her or him to be rescued, it would him that was to be saved. I wish he could suffer the way she did.

There are so many child abusers in the system that have been in treatment for years and have never apologized for their crime. It would be hard to believe an abuser if he did apologize because these people are such good manipulators.

Any sort of rape is usually a sign of someone who feels insecure and wants to have power over someone weaker. Child abusers also have an element of being attracted to children sexually. I think that's got to be a sign that they were also abused. Otherwise, they're just wired wrong.

12. If cutting off the offending organ would change the guy's mindset, I'm all for that. Is there any way to know that they wouldn't find other ways to do harm? Maybe they'd be even more violent if they felt like it was unfair.

Can you get the offender to admit he did something wrong in the first place? There are too many people that either only apologize to save face or are in denial. Look how quick child abuse can turn into murder to cover up the crime?!!! This is more serious than people realize! When is it ever over for them? Can you trust them not to reoffend even if they say they won't? Castration would come close to proof. Maybe you could swing a deal that if they get castrated, then they're off the hook. Still a gamble

13. No. The lust of the flesh will override any fear of punishment that is imposed, no matter how harsh it is. Sexual immorality is a mental illness, and punishment is never a deterrent to the mentally ill because they see themselves as beyond the law's ability to touch them. The only effective way to deal with the problem is to eliminate from society the 'triggers' that set off the mentally ill, such as the visual aids of TV, movies, videos, DVDs, pornography and the like. Also, these people need to be identified and given appropriate counseling and medical treatment. Spiritual counseling is of primary importance because this is a spiritual problem more than a physical one. Spiritual counseling alone, however, is not enough unless the spiritual counselor is also a psychiatrist. I am not saying that Christian counseling is the only way, for I do believe that there are sound counselors of all faiths that can be of great help in this area. After all, sexual misconduct is a worldwide problem and transcends all societies and religions

14. SOUNDS GOOD TO ME (castration)

15. My answer is NO, but please read below.

1) I don't understand why you are focused on India regarding this global problem.

2) Castration makes you permanently dead, the other makes you permanently unable to use your male genitalia (at least without some kind of implant!)

3) Crimes like rape are often confused with crimes of sexual passion. This is very often not the case. Such crimes have more to do with the need to humiliate, subjugate or otherwise feel powerful over somebody the offender has rendered powerless.

So my answer is NO. Castration will not prevent rape or child sexual abuse. Rape isn't always performed with one's genitalia but with other objects and child sexual abuse has too many disheartening forms to go into here (or anywhere, except possibly court.)

16. It doesn't work. Rape and molestation are crimes of anger. Castration is not a valid deterrent, as the rapist will simply find some other way to hurt a person sexually.

17. Rape involves more than sexual drive. It's about anger, power, and control.

18. I think it would be a good deterrent; lets start some legislation in this direction. After one conviction that person will never rape again. I am all for this... only how would we separate those who are truly guilty from those that are wrongly accused?

19. While castration is a very efficient way to prevent rape and child sexual abuse, it's only effective due to the psychological effects. It will not stop it, we still have fingers and foreign object we can obtain to conduct rape/sexual abuse. Sadly enough, castration isn't enough.

There are people now (men and women) who hold obsession in being a Eunuch. After castration, they'd tan and harden the penis so that it may still be used, just detached. You never know a day what people can do, but I hope this helps to answer your question.

20. No unless you also cut off their hands and tongues

21. Dear Sir, ur question speak the pain of ur heart , which u have. Sex is natural call, but it is controlled by mind. When the mind is kept occupied with KAAM, such things like rape will remain happen. Yes I agree that stringent punishment must be introduced. In Muslim countries I have heard that male organ is cut off, when the charge of rape is proved in Islamic Court. Further I believe that such things are happening due to unwanted coverage given by electronic media for exposing the female beauty.
The other factor is easily available pornographic material in market and open exposure by females and children in school dresses. All these things excites man's lust of sex. Either we should allow free sex or should switch to our Indian moral values not in between, which is at present.

22. So what is your point, you mean to say that there is a beast inside everyman, which is waiting for the slightest sign from a girl???
and i think that punishment will definitely work out in India .But i dono hw far it ll be successful in other countries considering that they use other objects!!!

23. It may not work fully but it is a sure fire deterrent for rape and child abuse. Rape occurs in a fit of frenzy and to wreak vengeance. Mostly, it is not planned. So using other instruments and articles do not often occur. Proving a rape is a big debatable question as there are hardly any eyewitnesses present. Only physical evidence, if collected within a reasonable amount of time, stands the scrutiny of a court of law, which doesn't happen often. Unless the criminal is caught red-handed, it cannot be proved immediately. At least on such occasions, castration, including removal of organ will deter the criminal mind

24. Good suggestion! but it would work only to certain extent, and will not eradicate the sexual abuse completely from society. To eradicate this if not impossible, it is really a very much difficult task ahead in our society.

In my thesis to move towards civilisation we surrendered our this natural duty (I would never say it a right, I opined only three rights, 'food, cloth & shelter' rest all are duties) to society to regulate it to lead balanced living. This, after strenuous researches, had been brought within the circle of relation as husband & wife. Yet this natural right remained as being enjoyed through other methods by mighties, ignoring social obligations, however behind the screen, which exists in our society to day also.

In my opinion the abuse is the contribution by both 'male & female' by not abiding to restrictions set in society, be it clothing of ladies or freely meetings of male &female.

The sexual activities are the result of intuition which starts working from, coming nearer of male & female, by means of sensing contact & exposure of sexual organs of body (mostly of female & not of male in 99.9999999% cases).

In the process of civilisation we had in-circled this activity under privacy, and by clothing females in befitting cloths to cover sexual organs baring exposure, by restricting vulgarity in entertainment, holiness in educating institutions and many more things bringing under the ambit of social disciplined boundaries. To day these social boundaries are crossed beyond far, females are free to expose to the end (not only in commerce but even to look distinct knowing the result of it), boys & girls are not social without opposite gender friend, what more to say! The stream is flowing very fast and though not impossible but much difficult to hold this sexual abuses without dedicated efforts of top heads in each field of society, be it family / village /block / district / state / nation / religion / politics / business / entertainment / education and in all.

24. NO as it is a compulsion that comes out of the mind

25. No, spiritual literacy to be imparted and morals made mandatory


How do you define Christianity and how do you identify a true Christian by qualities?

More on this question: -

You may differ; but the fact is that most Christians carry only labels of Christianity. Abusing other religions is their forte believing that it will please our Lord. Getting intemperate and wild when Christianity is discussed on its merits and demerits in practice are other traits of some Christians. Tolerance that is the most essential quality in practising religion is another missing concept. Many promoting factors and practices are purely nonsensical and laughable to enlightened true Christians. Your response may perhaps open the eyes of many who reside in the well.

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

I am not a Christian and I am not religious, but I think Jimmy Carter, the former president, is a great example of someone who calls himself a Christian and lives by its ideals.


1. Christianity is a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ God Almighty.

1. Jesus tells us that we will know them by "their fruit"
Are they bearing fruit?
John 15:2
He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

See the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5

2. To me, a Christian is someone who reveres Jesus Christ as the son of the Christian God and follow his teachings. True Christians would want to follow in the footsteps of the Christ and take up professions such as teachers, healers. They would live their lives by example and display the properties of kindness and mercy that the Christ displayed. They would feed the homeless, comfort the needy and help the fallen.

The people who do these things can call themselves Christians and know that people will agree. Shouting at other religions about how great your god is isn't going to convince anybody. Showing us what it means to be a Christian might.

Who says tolerance is the most essential quality??? I see plenty examples of Jesus being intolerant. He did not put up with religious nonsense

3. In a nutshell, that is the belief of Christianity. Christianity is unique among all other faiths, because Christianity is more about a relationship, rather than religious practice. Instead of adhering to a list of “dos and don’ts,” the goal of a Christian is to cultivate a close walk with God the Father. That relationship is made possible because of the work of Jesus Christ, and the ministry in the life of the Christian by the Holy Spirit.
A true Christian is a person who has put his or her faith and trust in the person of Jesus Christ and fact that He died on the cross as payment for sins and rose again on the third day to obtain victory over death and to give eternal life to all who believe in Him. John 1:12 tells us: “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” A true Christian is indeed a child of God, a part of God’s true family, and one who has been given new life in Christ. The mark of a true Christian is love for others and obedience to God’s Word (1 John 2:4; 1 John 2:10).

4. Quite a few have commented that Christianity is a walk with Jesus. Yes, it is a way of life. Not rituals and practices and norms. It is a fellowship with Jesus. Grow in life along with Jesus. When Jesus lives and works through a Christian, the fruits of Spirit, as mentioned in Galations 5:22 will be exhibited and they will vouch for you being a Christian. Christian names and memberships etc will not make one a Christian. Only following the footsteps of the Lord will make one a Christian.

5. I am not Christian but I respect all religions. The truth is one get labelled as Christians etc in the families a child is born into. As per the family customs, belief child grows up and by observing etc follows his religion.
There are many persons who in spite of being non Christian they read about Christianity. Even though they may not visit church. Same are the cases of foreigners who are curious about Hinduism and start reading more about the books of Hinduism.
The famous - 10 Commandments are clear to enough to explain what the persons who follow and not. Thou shall not Kill ... Thou means You .
In those times Thou was known better. In each ages language pattern changes.
Persons who had understood 10 commandments clearly is enough .
Not just by reading but by practising too in daily lives. For common people 10 commandments are enough to understand and follow rather than going into high level books which only researchers can understand.

6. I am not a Christian nor am I the advocate, but the truth is that there are good Christians (few in number) and not so good Christians (very many). However, this is obtained in all religions, indeed in all walks of life.


Is India’s caste based reservation system fair and purposeful in its objective and implementation?

Do you believe that with caste based reservation (1) the Government sincerely wants to help the deprived in the society with equal opportunities or is it conceived as a web to catch votes from the backward classes (2) the well placed corner the entire benefits of the quota system at the expense of the down trodden in each caste and (3) if the answer is yes do you see an end to the reservation system in India for generations ahead? Don't you think that the brilliant among the poor alone should merit reservation in professional institutions and caste distinction should be consigned to the garbage bin soon?

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

No it's an old system that needs to grow up. When I was in India a lot of the Indians I talked to thought the system should go away


1. This is a great question! From what I know about India, the caste system is really a holdover from British colonial rule, and God knows the imperial British were obsessed with the class structure to begin with.

What is really striking, I think, is that aspects of the class system have endured as long as they have and that leads me to believe that in a democracy which strives for a transparent and liberalized participation process (as India undoubtedly does) -- there is still a clear sense of inequality across ethnic lines. In other words, if they’re still holding onto it, they must still believe in it. I think its too easy to blame the elites for maintaining that kind of control; on some level the people still accept it and endure it, for all its base flaws

2. Who can judge a person or government's true motive? Even if they may be wanting votes of the poor masses and lower castes....if it ends up making the playing field more "even" with education and job opportunities...then doesn't that justify it?

3. Yeah! India's caste based reservation system is very and purposeful for the politicians. But not for the general public. In it's implementation it totally met it's objective. The main objective of India's caste based reservation system is to split Indians into several thousand groups so that the politicians can make these groups fight among selves and there politicians can rule us and fool us. In this aspect Britishers were far better than Congresswalahs. They divided into only two groups Muslims and Hindus but our great Congresswalahs starting from Nehru to Man Mohan Singh have divided and are still in the process of dividing us further more so that they can hang to power. Yeah you're right caste distinction should be consigned to the garbage bin soon? But who does it? When you go the polling booth your also vote for your caste person not to the qualified person. Am I right?

4. Reservation cannot be based on caste due to following logic

1. Caste cannot be the basis of poverty. Had this been true there would no poor other than Hindu society.
2. Caste system only prevails in Hindus so indirectly the government is favouring Hindus.
3. Indian constitution gives equal chances to all, but the caste-based reservation pulls apart some people other than other.
4. It is no other than a political stunt because if 100% jobs are reserved still government may not be possible to give job to each youth of reserved category

5. My friend, caste based reservation system was only introduced as a open cheque book in the vote bank. That was the only objective, the only purpose. The politicians has been very successful in its implementation and would like the reservation to be extended to a wider spectrum so that there are enough votes to sustain the politicians.

India will never be a casteless system so long as there are politicians of the present caliber

6. There should not be any reservation in the country the studies should be based on the merit only

7. No, it is an unproductive establishment as it fails to address the basic problem of lack of Primary Education

8. Actually caste based reservation is fair because from the time of yore, poor have been exploited by the rich. At least now their descendents should have reservation to reach higher strata of society. Economic parameter shouldn’t be criteria, reservation should be the basis of admission into higher courses. The implementation of Reservation Policy by the Government is political stunt to attract votes from the public.

9. Its totally irrelevant in today’s times.
The constitution was drafted almost 60yrs ago ....... when the need was there .
Nowadays, people misuse it and its serving no purpose except rampant corruption.
It high time our people did away with the terms and drafted a new constitution altogether as per the changing times.
I’m sure u too will agree !!!!!!!!!!! Right

10. First let us define talent, brilliancy, meritocracy in the context of Indian Hindus. Over the years the varna by profession has been converted to castes by birth. And by this conversion most stupid by the societal parameters had been considered to be Brahmin etc. the feudalistic attitude to corner the wealth is still intact. State is protecting interest of this self employed so called intelligentsia ( upper castes by birth). Today the military, the upper echelon of bureaucracy, the Para-military are the most casteist elite group, overzealous to protect their ill-gotten wealth by hook or crook. The 15 percent of the upper castes are enjoying the reservation of 50 percent of all the jobs. Their son and daughters are having a ball of a time with 50 percent quota for the 15 percent population. Look at the private sector - they have only sweepers or laborours from the lower castes as if all merits are shoved into upper castes . Nobody is born brilliant. It’s a misnomer. Prince became king not because he was brilliant but because he was prince by birth. Ask the people in media why their host and hostesses belong to upper castes by default. Merit - my foot. The BC and OBCs are awakening. It is time reservation is extended to judiciary, armed forces, all so called elite institutions and even sports especially cricket where lakhpathies/crorepathies are made by playing one match. It is time BC and OBC s are extended reservations in all sphere of life including in private companies. We have seen enough of the so called merits. We have scientists who can only copy and that too very poorly. We have bureaucracy at top echelon pervaded by the upper castes amassing wealth for themselves. We have shankaracharyas, acharyas, dharmacharyas, sadhu and sants doubling as murderers, defrauders. It's enough. We have lost our patience. It's the majority amongst Hindus who are being deprived of their legitimate share of the wealth.we will take over all temple trusts, all temple lands , all trusts and mistrusts . the supreme of NRI ( India ) must reconcile. It's exposed. It's bias towards upper castes is obvious. Any anti-reservation agitation hyped by the casteist media both print and electronics ( most of the owners are upper castes ) will be crushed permanently.We don't need a raja of manda or a prince of churhat to get our due . It's the beginning of another freedom struggle which will transfer power from the upper castes to BC/OBCs. Be prepared to loose and leave the land if you wish to.

11. It is a discriminatory system as realised by Mayavati who changed her music suitably

12. No! It is not fair and purposeful in its objective! And its implementation in present political scenario is not at all feasible.
13. Not Govt. but all the political parties are only interested in vote and also creamy lair of the reserved casts fetch 99.99% benefit of the reservation, as 99.99% of down trodden doesn't reach +2 stander, and therefore how can they be benefited with it.
Further I am sure one day the reservation would be done away from what it is in shape to day.
I had answered the similar questions, on reservation & education system, you may refer however one line here to write: "after +2 for further bachelor & master studies only deserving scholar be admitted and out of them who ever is not capable to pay fee their study cost be funded by Govt. this would easily be ascertainable in school itself.

14. Caste based reservation isn’t helping anyone except politicians. Agree completely on this.

What is needed is very good educational infrastructure that ensures all people get good education. All references to caste should be removed from everywhere. This is a sure shot way of eliminating caste and religious differences in India and the effects will be seen within a decade.

15. 1) Yes, Government is sincere in helping the deprived class.
(2) The reservations are given for the social equality and economic ups and downs have no place because a) rich or poor low caste is not treated as social equals and b) poverty is not a sigma but his caste is always.
(3) Low castes were suppressed thousands of years. Hence for them to be equal with others it may take some time. How much time depends on two aspects; one is at what fast rate upper class wither away their holy of the holiest attitude and accept them along with governmental assistances to low castes and second is at what fast rate these downtrodden reach at least 60% of development in every field.
If both can happen tomorrow, there will be no reservations of any kind from day after tomorrow. Unfortunately, if it will take generation after generations, it has to prolong till desired results are seen and after another generation, reservations can be stopped.
Being the affected, and with largest majority in a democratic country they will decide what is right to them; others have to simply obey.

16. A burning question, all right. Back in the 1940's Gandhiji pleaded the nation to unite and not to get divided based on caste and religion. But now 60 years later, the government has embarked on a clear mission to divide and dilute India based on caste. It is evident from the way the government files petition after petition in the Supreme Court, without carrying out any rectification, that the move to implement reservation in educational institutions for the OBC's , is to capture votes and not to really help those people. This move will make those people more backward and deprive them of their existing benefits. Without proper population statistics and information regarding the creamy layer, any form of reservation will go to the hands of the privileged and not to the backward people. The intention is not to be blamed but the path on which the mission is embarking is to be blamed, as Gandhiji rightly says, "The means are as important as the end
17. If a sound education policy and elimination of caste references had been followed since Independence Indian society would have been today free of any caste or religious differences

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