Friday, May 18, 2007


List of leading world publishers and what steps one should take to get one’s work published?

I am at the final stage of completing a book titled "Print-outs …….. mind". The contents have won admiration from many. I want to get the book published. Could you kindly advise me step by step of the proper presentation of the manuscript to the publishers for approval? I will ever be grateful to you for your advice.

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

The first step would be to complete it and edit it to the best of your ability. No publisher will take a chance on an unknown fiction writer without a completed manuscript.

The second step would be to lose your devotion to the current title. Publishers will often change the titles of novels to things they think will sell better. This and cover art are things you have no control over.

As far as novels go, different publishers specialize in different things, and fiction is a broad word. If you try to sell a fantasy novel to a publisher that only works with romance, you are going to get a rejection no matter how good your writing is. There are some smaller presses that will look at unagented material, but none of the bigger ones will.

So do your homework. Take a look at the most recent "Writer's Market"... or even better, try the "Guide to Literary Agents".

I absolutely suggest getting an agent instead of approaching publishers directly. I'm assuming you are not a contract attorney, so you will need someone to look over any offers and to guide you through the publishing world.

Also, you will not be sending your manuscript to agents unsolicited! Send them a query letter and see if they ask to see a partial, then a full. If you send the whole thing, it will just get you a form rejection letter. Research each agent's specific submission guidelines and follow their rules! Use 12 pt. Times New Roman, with one inch margins all around if they do not specify. Single-space your query letter (with an extra space between the paragraphs) and double space sample pages or manuscript pages if they are requested.

No publisher or agent should charge you any money up front! That is the sign of a scam! They make money by selling your book.

Here are five websites that can help. Read them thoroughly (especially Miss Snark-- love her!) and research, research, research!

And be warned of the people on this list:

You will face a lot of rejection, but if you really want this then keep at it! Work hard, and good luck!


1. Get The Writer's Almanac from your library -- all your questions will be answered.

2. All great info above but I would add - Join a writers group who are dedicated to helping each other grow, polishing their work and developing superior writing skills.
This is good for putting a polished offering in front of the publisher and for networking to find places that are accepting submissions in your genre or interest.

3. Your local library should have a copy of the 2007 _______Writer's Market. There are many different versions (e.g. Children's Books, Novels & Short Stories, Mystery, etc.) Find the one that comes closest to your category. It not only includes advice on how to put your work together for the best presentation, but also advises you on who will accept submissions, submission guidelines (which vary by publisher) and what different publishers are looking for, so you don't waste time sending out manuscripts to the wrong places

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