Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Do not churches open a window for Faith Merchants and Blessings-brokers against the tenets of Christianity?

At all the Christianity 'baiting and bashing carnivals' we find men in colourful so-called holy robes sharing the podium with faith traders who fleece the naives and gullible of their money on several guises to build up huge personal assets. Jesus Christ drove away the moneychangers from the church and to me His accredited followers go on adulterating the basic concepts of Christianity by gifting credibility to the faith merchants who are hell-bent on amassing wealth. Should not we all join together and fight this evil trend?

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

Whoa girl, you can write! I agree with you 100% but I am far more fascinated by your writing. You are great!


1. As a Christian Preacher, writer and Evangelist I take exception to your statement.
I work a full time job, overtime and all, to support my family.
I have never taken one red cent from a Church or Church member.
My web-site, http://www.anchorpoint.org, is paid for my me and I do not accept donations.
Don't believe me, check it out for yourself.

2. Not fight, but continue to serve God by offering the truth to those with ears to hear.

3. Jesus drove away those who where selling things to get their sins forgiven.
Today, the problem is not if you are selling Bibles or christian books.
The problem is when people sell things to get their sins forgiven.
Like the Catholic church selling indulgencies.
4. Just don’t go to the ones you don’t want to see

5. Some denominations absolutely forbid the exchange of money or the "selling" of even religious material under the same roof as the worship center or sanctuary.

But you are right. Especially in Charismatic and Pentecostal churches, the pastors actually invite speakers with merchandise to sell, just so they can fleece the flock. I have seen it too many times.

6. Yes, but you are talking about the minority -- most of our pastors in our local churches are just regular guys making less than some factory workers and working way more hours with no union! The guys you are against are those send-me-all-your-money guys on TV -- they are not true to God's calling.

7. It's not charlatans like Cashflow Dollar and the rest we have to fight. It is the ignorance, gullibility, magical thinking that we have to combat. Where there are sheep there are wolves. We need to turn the sheep into bears. Then the Benny Hinns and Peter Popoffs and their ilk can go get jobs they are morally qualified for like running elevators.

8. Those aren't Christ's followers!
He prophesied about them - as His Enemies:

"A great number will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, were we not prophets in your name, and did we not by your name send out evil spirits, and by your name do works of power?
And then will I say to them, I never had knowledge of you: go from me, you workers of evil." -- Matthew 7:22,23

“There will ... be false teachers among you. These ... will quietly bring in destructive sects & ... disown even the owner that bought them . . . Also, with covetousness they will exploit you with counterfeit words.
And a great number will go ... in their evil ways, through whom the true way will have a bad name.
And in their desire for profit they will come to you with ... deceit, like traders doing business in souls: whose punishment has been ready for a long time ... their destruction is watching for them.” -- 2 Pet. 2:1- 3

Religion---How Should It Be Financed? :
- Giving Until It Hurts? [OR],
- Giving That Brings Joy!:
- - - Tithing and the Law
- - - Christian Giving
- - - "As He Has Resolved In His Own Heart"
- - - Voluntary GIving Today
- - - Did the Early Church Fathers Teach Tithing? [No.]

I trust that God can take care of matters. His plan is already in the works. It is just a matter of a little more time ...

The End of False Religion Is Near!
- What Is False Religion?
- How Will It End? ...

9. It is there everywhere.But some exempted are also there.

10. Jesus said "for many will come in my name. Do not be fooled."Also said was "They will want their ears tickled." In other words, they will love the liars. Boy do these guys know how to lie. Yes, it is appalling. What's more is their gall to take their money, so they can live like kings. I hate to think what’s going to happen to them.


Do you agree that striking of that "in-law" relationship with sincerity can improve harmony in home living?
The "in-law" term used in relationship in a family does indicate, promote and sustain a fabricated relationship. Agreed, you can never convert that relationship into a natural one. But still when one enters into that relationship and sincerely and determinedly make an effort to build up bonds equal to that of a natural one a certain amount of harmony can be maintained at home. In fact wisdom demands it. All over the world the 'Mother-in -law' and the 'daughter-in-law' relationships are viciously looked at and stories and jokes abound on it. But those who have done away that 'in-law' term are many and they are happy although it is a very difficult task. If from childhood this healthy relationship is preached there can be a lot of difference in family relationship in general. So why should not we have 'father, mother, brother, sister etc.' erasing that 'in-law' tag in our life. A very sensitive subject indeed! Deliberate in detail and respond, please
Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

If we call a horse a monkey will that change the inherent nature of our feeling toward it?

No matter what you call your spouse's mother, you should strive to have a good, friendly, reciprocal relationship with her as well as her father. And your wife should be doing the same with your parents. But it takes years to develop the depth of intimacy with "in-laws" as with your own parents.

1. Why does it matter what you call them? I have a mother in law and a step mother in law...I get along with one but not the other. No matter what I called one of them she would still be an awful human being who was horrible to my husband when he was a child.
A name is just a name and has no impact on what the relationship will be.

2. I agree with you. The in law term should be stricken. Then it would be more like family. I try not to call my sister in law an in law. She is closer to me than my own sisters. Me and my mother in law don’t use that term. It makes us closer. We connect on a different level cuz I am like her own child. People don’t look at us any different and they don’t know she is my in law. Children should be raised with that kind of thinking. Their mother in law is no worse or better than their mother. OR father or sister or brother.
We are a bunch of people that spend time together a couple times of year. And we all have watched us grow and change. That is what family is about. I have seen my sister in law grow, get married and now having children. Same as my sister. So family is family without the in law.
thank you.

3. Never try to erase this term accept them as they are and it will be fine, a mother and daughter can take each other for granted and fight and get back together if the same if you try with in laws may be in lakh one might succeed but at the same time if you try to maintain your limits in everything then life might be better than the usual because there never is a hassle in a home always the development of hatred or misunderstanding seed is sown by either the relatives or the neighbours or some close associated in both the sides in the name of sympathising these things are created. If you are shroud enough not to discuss any of the family issues to any body not even to parents or your own kith and kin then you will view life to be very smooth. But mo human can develop that habit every body has a Naradha inside them who creates controversies.

4. Very true! 'in-laws' at home are actually 'out-laws'! mature, civilized living is, living in harmony!

5. Yes.I think this is true. The fact is that a closeness and a comfortable zone is required for a healthy relationship. So if a "mother-in-law" and "daughter-in-law" think themselves as mother and daughter, then that can lead to a good harmony in family life .But it is difficult at times when they have very different mentality. Still both should try their level best and realize and accept these things. Then the life will be beautiful and colorful.This will improve harmony in our family.

6. I agree that there are some great mother/daughter in law relationships out there. I have one of my own. My mother 'in law' is the greatest person. She helps us with the children she is there for any need that we may have, I help her with things, we go many places together and our relationship is great. I also have my own mother who I love deeply and do much of the same with her. She lives 2 hours away from me so it’s hard for her to be here all the time. On the other hand I know people who have mother 'in law' relationships that aren't so great. I don't know why and never understood all the jokes and such because it isn't as bad as it is made to sound.

7. It is just a term no different from husband, mother, father etc.

What is more important then the label is the acceptance of your new extended family and what role they will play in your life.

Start looking at them as a new addition to the family that will offer you insight into your husband and how he relates to them.

If he has a good relationship with his family chances are you will to.

If his relationship with his family is distant chances are yours will be as well.

What is more important then any label, is the relationship itself.

I am not sure if changing the title will solve the problem.

If you have a problem with the label do not use it.

Refer to your in-laws by their names, or introduce them as your husband or wifes parents.

You could say this is Louise my husbands mother.

This is Mrs and Mr so and so by husbands parents.

You need not use the term in law at all.

Your relationship with your spouses family is just that.
Do not get caught up in how society thinks.

8. No. The words "In-law" are not the problem.

The problem with the parents comes from refusing to cut the umbilical cord and wanting to continue to be the guiding influence for their child's life.

The problem with the child is not wanting to trust the spouse and wanting to rely on the parent or parents.

The problem with the spouse is jealousy toward the in-laws because they cannot make a decision between the two of them without in put from the in-laws.

The reality of the whole thing is that as a young person getting married you are used to relying on your parent's wisdom and don't want to appear dumb or make a wrong decision.

A parent finds it hard to let the child go and wants to keep the child, even though married, from making mistakes which can be avoided.

The spouse becomes infuriated because it seems like a lack of trust in their judgment if the other partner goes to consult the parents.
There is also the jealousy of "ownership" when an in-law or spouse refers to someone as "my son, daughter, wife, husband, etc."

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