Can dark complexioned (black) parents beget fair complexioned (white) children?
More on this question: - A Commercial Evangelist presented a benefactor family of his prayers on the T V screen in his home production. He monitors the conversation with nodding gestures and promptings for the viewers to learn that the couple of jet- black complexion had no issues for several years and through his prayers the woman conceived and a child was born. The presented child was highly fair complexioned – in local term ‘white’. Is this possible genetically? Can this happen through divine intervention? The related context is that we read in News papers of Hindu statues drinking milk and Christian statues shedding tears – all period bound! Are we a nation of faith healers and faith gulpers?
1. Biologically, it is possible for two parents with relatively dark skin to have a child with relatively light skin - and the other way around; the difference isn't usually very dramatic, but it's often there. Skin color is the result of a very complex interaction of a variety of different genes and developmental conditions.
2. Dark skinned people may have an albino baby.
Short of that, I do not think it is possible to have a child with skin radically lighter than both of its parents. I do not thing this happened by divine intervention, I see no reason why God would do this.
3. My mother is dark skinned. My father is dark skinned. I am not dark skinned or adopted. God was not involved since both are atheists.
4. It's genetic. That's something most of us learned about in our junior high life science class. The grid for skin color is fairly large, so the variations of skin color can be vast.
5. This is similar to what was once a tenant of the Church of the Latter Day Saints.
It can happen if there was a light skinned person in the family history, and that child received those genes.
6. Sure can, and I have seen just this...
7. Yes if you get a white,Mexican,Spanish,Italian or any other light skined race and mix with the black man /black woman and they will have light skined children.
8. It is definitely possible in terms of an Albino child, but I doubt it has anything to do with divine intervention so much as genetics and anomalies.
I know a black man and woman who have three white children, and that was purely because they were born albino. They all have fair hair and grey eyes, but still retain features of their darker skinned parents.Other than that, I don't know! Scientifically, what you're talking about is probably an Albino child.
9. It may be possible through Niyoga. Niyoga is the concept of Hinduism wherein husbands get wives impregnated through pious, healthy, smart and well built religious persons. This is not an ancient practice but present and future also since it is supported by sacred scriptures. However most of the people do not practise it, though it may be helpful for such very black, short heighted, sick, genetically ailing, hereditarily suffering, mentally retarded, psychologically unfit husbands.
10. We lack scientific temperament as a race
11. Simple: Use "OUTSOURCING".
12. This is genetically impossible. Besides which GOD loves people of all races--so why did the baby have to be white?
13. Absolutely. Just check the records.
14. If the wife has white male friends.
15. Yes, that is entirely possible and it has happened before. The fair child may have genetics related to a relative of long ago who may have been white. White is not better; it just is a color.
16. Yes, definitely. I have seen it happen in my family. I have also seen a dark skinned child be born to white couples with mixed racial backgrounds.
Additionally, there is a famous case that happened recently when twin girls were born with radically different complexions. Snopes has photos of the girls with their parents. The blonde-haired blue-eyed girl looks a bit out of place, but is their biological child.
More on this question: - A Commercial Evangelist presented a benefactor family of his prayers on the T V screen in his home production. He monitors the conversation with nodding gestures and promptings for the viewers to learn that the couple of jet- black complexion had no issues for several years and through his prayers the woman conceived and a child was born. The presented child was highly fair complexioned – in local term ‘white’. Is this possible genetically? Can this happen through divine intervention? The related context is that we read in News papers of Hindu statues drinking milk and Christian statues shedding tears – all period bound! Are we a nation of faith healers and faith gulpers?
1. Biologically, it is possible for two parents with relatively dark skin to have a child with relatively light skin - and the other way around; the difference isn't usually very dramatic, but it's often there. Skin color is the result of a very complex interaction of a variety of different genes and developmental conditions.
2. Dark skinned people may have an albino baby.
Short of that, I do not think it is possible to have a child with skin radically lighter than both of its parents. I do not thing this happened by divine intervention, I see no reason why God would do this.
3. My mother is dark skinned. My father is dark skinned. I am not dark skinned or adopted. God was not involved since both are atheists.
4. It's genetic. That's something most of us learned about in our junior high life science class. The grid for skin color is fairly large, so the variations of skin color can be vast.
5. This is similar to what was once a tenant of the Church of the Latter Day Saints.
It can happen if there was a light skinned person in the family history, and that child received those genes.
6. Sure can, and I have seen just this...
7. Yes if you get a white,Mexican,Spanish,Italian or any other light skined race and mix with the black man /black woman and they will have light skined children.
8. It is definitely possible in terms of an Albino child, but I doubt it has anything to do with divine intervention so much as genetics and anomalies.
I know a black man and woman who have three white children, and that was purely because they were born albino. They all have fair hair and grey eyes, but still retain features of their darker skinned parents.Other than that, I don't know! Scientifically, what you're talking about is probably an Albino child.
9. It may be possible through Niyoga. Niyoga is the concept of Hinduism wherein husbands get wives impregnated through pious, healthy, smart and well built religious persons. This is not an ancient practice but present and future also since it is supported by sacred scriptures. However most of the people do not practise it, though it may be helpful for such very black, short heighted, sick, genetically ailing, hereditarily suffering, mentally retarded, psychologically unfit husbands.
10. We lack scientific temperament as a race
11. Simple: Use "OUTSOURCING".
12. This is genetically impossible. Besides which GOD loves people of all races--so why did the baby have to be white?
13. Absolutely. Just check the records.
14. If the wife has white male friends.
15. Yes, that is entirely possible and it has happened before. The fair child may have genetics related to a relative of long ago who may have been white. White is not better; it just is a color.
16. Yes, definitely. I have seen it happen in my family. I have also seen a dark skinned child be born to white couples with mixed racial backgrounds.
Additionally, there is a famous case that happened recently when twin girls were born with radically different complexions. Snopes has photos of the girls with their parents. The blonde-haired blue-eyed girl looks a bit out of place, but is their biological child.
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