Thursday, March 15, 2007


Don't you think that commercial evangelists live by lies and falsehood and are parasitic to Christianity?

More about this question: -I laugh out loud at my old age when I see Television channels telecasting commercial evangelical soaps wherein self anointed blessings brokers through hysterical gestures, dancing eyebrows and jerking faces blare out lies and falsehood walking up and down while cameras focus on nodding heads, raising hands and crying faces. Some with dyed hair and bald plates claim of healing terminal diseases like cancer, aids etc. and parade the healed to build up credibility already boosted by the presence of modern Judas Iscariots in colourful holy robes listening attentiively and singing along. In India there are a number of professional Evangelists who live by fleecing the poor, innocent and ignorant believers. One Evangelist had the company of Lord Jesus Christ for full three hours when he was 27 years of age. At his command Jesus Christ repair worn out organs, replace some with brand new ones and palnt babies in barren wombs. They go scot-free as none dare question these professional evangelists

(1) Remember when Oral Roberts said God had told him that unless people sent him $8 million he would die? Well God spoke to me as I was reading your question, and if the true believers out there do not send me $80 million, he is going to kill off all the evangelists, and make their followers memorize your question 8-).

(2) Of course, there are people who are healed by watching those programs. Things that can be healed by psycho semantics." See you later, at the wrestling matches.

(3) Giving money to God would be like giving money to me here at the Zoo. I don't have any pockets and neither does God, where would we put the money and how would we spend it?

(4) Well, what do you expect when you live in a nation of idiots who spend their lives pissing their pants in ignorant fear? P.T.Barnum said it best-"there's a ****** born every minute".

(5) I definitely think they are frauds. If they were working for God, and were doing well, they wouldn't have to ask for money because God would bring it to them. Anyone who has to ask for money in God's name I think the same thing about. It's like tithing. Ever go to a church where they make a big deal about tithing? Before they do the offering they will have a big prayer about it, and make a big deal out if it....If you're doing God work, stick a locked box on the altar or in the back somewhere, in a place where it is seen well, and let the people give freely, on their own without coercion from Pastors and the like.

(6) They're nut jobs and they're part of the reason some atheists/agnostics are hostile towards Christians. They are agents of intolerance. They radicalize anyone susceptible to their treachery. Of course they live by lies and falsehoods; but at least even many Christians can use logic, and see through their nonsense.

(7) Some of them are intentional frauds, but others just suffer from the usual Christian delusions.

(8) Many televangelists do mislead people. For many, it IS all a show and an act. They rehearse ahead of time how they are going to zoom in with the camera for maximum effect. Sure, this happens. Still, God sees all, and HE will judge these folks for daring to mislead others in HIS name for their own profit. The purpose of television ministry however, is to reach a broad range of people, and to reach those who would otherwise not set foot in a church. This can be a very good thing, and many homebound Christians look forward to church services on television. You can't judge all of them as a whole. You have to use a spirit of discernment to figure out who is genuinely serving God and who is serving himself (or herself). Billy Graham and Franklin Graham are famous for their crusades that fill stadiums and are broadcast on television. The message is simple, there are no dramatic productions, and there is just the simple message of Christ's love for us. There is worship and praise music, but most people who go to and watch these services WANT to hear this music. God is worthy of this praise.

(9) To answer your question, yes these wolves in sheep's clothing are out there. The Bible even talks about people such as these who mislead others. The Bible tells of how God will judge them even more harshly for their acts. They are not representative however, of all televangelists who are merely trying to spread the Word of God to a vast audience, as their convictions call them to do.

(10) Jesus Christ never converted anybody into Christianity because he was a jew and he himself said: I have not come to abolish the religion of moses. Then who has authorised the people to proclaim the religion of Christianity & convert people. Because jesus has said not to snatch the bread from the Jews and thro to the gentiles. That means apart from Jews who are original Christians other are following just a myth called christianity. The biggest benefit reapers are the so-called fathers/sisters/mothers/brothers... And you name anybody by any relation.

(11) They do Christianity a horrible disservice. They spout bigotted drivel and make ludicrous claims and even host huge weekend revivals in order to teach small children how to counter evolution thereby depriving those children and Christianity in general of a pool of intelligent, thoughtful people to help religious doctrine assimilate and reconcile with continued scientific exploration. When most of us non-Christians go off about fundies, the evangelists usually rank up there in the discussion along with some other rather loud members of other denominations. The truth is, the in-your-face smokers who constantly demand their smoking rights push non-smokers into legislation, its the same with the in-your-face you'll-all-go-to-hell folks that get religion pushed out of places. I have no problem with people that think and practice differently, I respect their love for their God and the like but when they start pushing me, my children and others into doing it their way then I get ruffled as do many people of all faiths.

(12) Who are you to judge? All the thousands of people sitting and listening, do they not understand the meaning of the words? Why do they sit and listen. Each and every one has one sublime quality which is called faith. They believe. If you believe, then you will receive. I am not a spiritualist. But I do know that what does not affect you, you have no need to criticize or find fault. As an example: Say you have a kidney pain. You go to the doctor who gives you a prescription. Take the following tablets. By mistake you buy Vitamin C tablets which you ingest. The next day despite your kidney pain will be healed only because you took the tablet with faith in the doctor. The same way, you can expect in your own terms that due to faith all these healings take place. I am only using this example as my argument. I definitely do believe in God and I also do believe the evangelists are doing a very good job in keeping so many people in faith and not confused with life.

I have only one point to offer. How really should it matter if a disease actually gets cured even supposing if it is due to direct intervention of an evangelist? We any way are a perishable entity. What we should strive to achieve is blessings of Jesus Christ. Will it be by reading Bible. No, We have to meet a personality who actually has been blessed by Christ. He is the one who will be our mentor.

How do we build up a loving and harmonious home? What are its essential conditions?

More on this question:- Values are changing! Life is getting faster! Relationships are deteriorating! Community awareness on vital issues is sinking! Violence and extortions are the orders of the day – religions not excluded! Terrorism on extraneous reasons takes away valuable innocent lives, built up on parental sacrifices! In these chaotic conditions, how can we build up and sustain a home of harmony and discipline, based on family ties, personal bond, love and understanding? With the public relations infrastructure I enjoy, your replies, I propose to pass on to the future generation.

(1) Communication and compromise: You got say what you mean and do a little give and take.

(2) The easiest way I can see is to live and let live and not to try to impose our beliefs onto others.

(3) Love and patience

(4) "It's the end of the world as we know it, it's the ..."

(5) Follow the only truth, the one given directly to us from God in the form of the Bible. It is the only solution that would work; all other solutions would be marginal at best, disastrous in most cases.

(6) All you need are the two basic foundations. Love and Respect. If you have love, but not respect, it will not work. They go hand in hand, and if you have those two foundations, you can get over anything.

(7) The world (society) is deteriorating more and more each passing day and is becoming scary to live in today’s world. But we should neither look with our eyes nor hear with our ears. We must look and listen through faith and obedience to God. Don't just have the Bible with you, make sure you have it IN you. And God makes this promise: "But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passeth through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walketh through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee." Isaiah 43:1,2

(8) Hold a family meeting. Discuss priorities, making God first. Aim for simplicity and independence as a family unit. Write down interpretations of Scriptures; keep it with the family bible for future reference.

(9) The world needs genuinely good men not affected by the world. There's a natural order where a good man loves his God and real love and all it's attributes flow from here, from God to the man to the woman to the children. All the pop psychologies ain't gonna do it. The government can't fill the role of a real man at the head of a home. No social service, no self-help book or TV program on PBS is going to fill the void. No feminist can usurp the natural authority and goodness of a genuine man. Until men find their real source of being, there will always be trouble in the world.

(10) I think it have to be too much communication and confidence, and me like lady I think if the man give me all necessary I will love him more, because he will work for us. So the less I can do is love him more, and take care of our family. Well that is personally, I don’t know others. I never had studios. So I am happy easy in home.

(11) Log on to ake your time and go through

Protect the dharma and dharma shall protect you.

(12) You described all., Patience, Compromise, give up for nothing, Attentive ear and love.

(13) Home is not made by only with bricks and marbles according to me home is bond of relationships and emotions if we are moving faster why we let to move our emotion's and relationships are faster. Who is responsible for this move faster and go ahead in your life but give time to every member a of house understand others and teach kids try to connect with their roots. Maintain trust let start these things today then you can make your dream house harmonious home.

(14) Man cannot create harmony at home or anywhere else by his own day or the other it will be chaos. Look at the harmony in which the nature is created....our God who has created so much harmony in nature have shown us the way to build a disciplined, lovely home or family through the Bible.

As the life had speeded up & in its turn it had lead to a materialistic way......there's a saying Money makes many things.........Money is playing a vital role with humans and its deteriorating the values...........So many reasons prevailing in the world for terrorism .....that's all indeed the power play & money is the medium.....

(15) You are (74) and I am (63).At the moment I can't discuss about the life wholly but want to put forward a major point that affects life the most. The circumstances are the most powerful factor that changes anything into anything. The force of ignorant and blind follower type people can harm to any extent not allowing even least freedom. Whole life might get ruined. You can't even use your inner intuition and intellectual cautiously in building up your life. Only you can watch your real sensible dream within, which could have definitely come true, if there would have freedom. We can see it come true in others life and hear them saying "it's in your hand how to bring up your own life, don't find excuses". I end up here. May be I able to discuss some other time if possible

(16) Stay pure and Holy. Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy." Source(s):Book of Revelation last chapter (22)in the book.10 Then he told me, "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, because the time is near. 11Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy." 12 "Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. 14 "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood

(17) The world (society) is deteriorating more and more each passing day and is becoming scary to live in todays world. But we should look with our eyes nor hear with our ears. We must look and listen through faith and obidience to God. Don't just have the Bible with you, make sure you have it IN you. And God makes this promise: "But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee." Isaiah 43:1,2

Alcohol! Why we drink this bitter and health-damaging concoction paying for it from our hard earned money?

More about this question: - When we take to drinking we have umpteen justifications for this vice. Alcohol damages the entire human system, particularly Liver. It is bitter in taste and can cause cancer. An alcoholic is neither trusted nor respected in any society. Alcohol ruins family ties inciting home violence Alcohol can cause addiction and once we are in its web, we are finished. And still the gulp game goes on unabated. Why?

(1) Because of one
It's the same thing with companies that produce

(2) You should tell that to Jesus, he turned the water into wine, not me

(3) Isn't there a recent study that shows that men who consume 1/2 glass of alcohol a day live on average 2 years longer than men who consumed none? I don't believe it but that's what they say.

(4) Did you know that Noah in the Bible is called the preacher, and is credited with inventing wine and beer?
---personally I think in moderation drink is not a terrible thing. Many doctors agree. But when a person has a problem with it, they should be encouraged to quit altogether.

(5) Well, have a nice cup of water then.
Let me suffer the deadly throes of a Shrimp & Oyster Tequila Clamato.
(Oh, Hell is bliss)

(6) Alcohol, especially red wine and dark beer, can be healthy in small quantities and help fight off cancer. It is overdoing it that is the problem.

(7) Your right, I don't know what your question was but you statement was correct

(8) Why? Alcohol in moderation has been proven to have health benefits. If it taste bitter you're drinking the wrong stuff.
The vast majority of drinkers enjoy in moderation.

(9) Because drunkenness is enormously fun! Until you throw up, I suppose, but that's beside the point.

(10) It is our inability to express our self fully to the world that we fall prey to this vice called alcohol.

(11) There is nothing wrong with a drink now and then. The problem is when people don't have self-control. Taking too many vitamins can hurt you. Eating too much or the wrong foods can damage your heart so should we stop eating? Moderation, control and responsibility are what people need.
May God Bless you.

(12) Because ... people like to do the forbidden
extra marital sex
we are all spoiled kids
remember mummy said ... son don’t eat chocolates or the cookie jar and what did you ... just what she warned you.
Listen to this ... speeding ... we all speed and jump lights and die and yet we don’t learn.

(13) Alcohol in general is NOT health-damaging. Overdoing it is. But I think I would trust my doctor on this one.... especially since I have a blood disease (thickening of the blood) and I'm supposed to drink at least one glass of wine per week. Even Religious texts will tell you it is healthy for certain ailments.
I would like to see these studies that alcohol causes cancer. What it does damage is the stomach lining (first), then the intestines... and then it sits in the liver.
Alcohol, occaisionally, is NOT health-damaging. Alcoholism is.

(14) Oh goody, I get to put my psychology class to use!
Most people will dislike alcohol the first time they taste it, it is an acquired taste (wine may be an exception, it can be sweet). But for someone who is genetically predisposed to alcoholism it is wonderful and they want more. It doesn't take long for these people to become psychologically addicted and soon thereafter, physically dependent. There are 5 levels of alcohol addiction in all.
Now that aside, do you remember your history lesson on American prohibition? That went over real well didn't it?

(15) If you really need an answer to your question, though your question is not relevant as it is a question questioning others personal preferences, but then it is with good intentions, so if you really need to have your answers, have a drink today...and you'll know. Cheers !!
Hey, I am not finished yet. Will keep you posted, but do let us know how it felt for you, I mean, your first drink...

(16) Please know the Nature of Alcohol if taken in Limits. It has such unique quality of immunizing the Body and Blood from any worm infestations, and a must for Cold countries to maintain minimum body temperature. Fever comes when Body minimum temperature is affected.
Also it relieves you from stress after a sleep.
All that are needed by Human if taken more than limits, they are injury causers and do not link Alcohol or Cigarette alone.

(17) The main reason is the social attitude we bear in mind. It is not right to go on with what people think is cool. It definitely costs lives destroys relations harmony peace.We need to deliver these socially stressed minds from this kind of an evil. People should realize that u can’t be cool at the cost of your life.

(18) Well, they have too much money and don't want to help other with it, as they are so selfish. Finally they decide to destroy themselves.

(19) Alcohol is hot; produces heat in stomach which is useful in increasing appetite and digestion. But the truth is amount of stomach and food is limited so that very little of alcohol in proportion should be taken. Now the reality is when one takes it, it creates heat and specific type of thirst so one take it more and more to quench the thirst and the cycle goes on. The rest you can imagine what happens if one can't keep control.

(20) I agree with you , but once you start or have an habit its very difficult to come out of it when a person is addictive . My boy friend likes to drink, he always tells me one drink, later he wont stop drinking till I fight with him. Alcohol does lots of damage to a human body very are very delicate from inside. And the other thing is social life , people want to show that they also can afford alcohol and they waste lots of money .I feel it a real waste of money.

Because we're all seeking to be satisfied by something! I used to have a problem with alcohol, I used and abused it to forget about the past, sometimes to feel good, and then later, just to feel anything at all. In reality, all of our searching for something to satisfy (and often overdoing it in spending, in sex, in alcohol, in everything that over the limits can destroy us) is this. We all have this huge void. We were all created to know God, yet so often, we seek a way to fill it elsewhere, relationships, success, drugs, alcohol, stuff, anorexia, overeating, name your poison. I am only truly satisfied in my relationship with Christ. But we are not finished if we are in addiction. The Bible says that the slavery of these addictions is broken by Christ's death and resurrection. We are released if we come to know Christ. We still battle, but He will and does give us victory if we seek Him moment by moment, day by day.

(21) For stress buster people indulge in different activities and alcohol is one of them. However, it's the quantity that determines whether its a medicine or poison

(22) Weather it's alcohol, food, gambling, gaming or anything that becomes a vice. That can cause family problems along with health and society respect. Just like with any of the above you have to use moderation with alcohol

(23) A person being busy in earning money makes effort to get joy and happiness nearer to him. The society culture is such that the Club and Pub gives a company and there to earn more and more money he invites friends and relatives for these company and thus he spend hard earned money and feels rather thinks that he is going to earn more money and never cares for health. There is a saying, If Money (wealth)is lost nothing is lost, if health is lost something is lost and finally if character is lost everything is lost. He does not realise that losing money is nothing. But the next steps here he forgets and health starts decaying and finally he becomes a man of losing his character. This is a Natural cause and effect in the world. One alone has to learn through experiences. Experience is the best medicine
For stress buster people indulge in different activities and alcohol is one of them. However, it's the quantity that determines whether its a medicine or poison

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