Does India continue to be a land of mysteries? How could one explain the vulgar show of wealth?
More about the question:
Indian Scene! Donation in crores to a temple! There it remains as useless static asset as addressee remains unavailable.
One couple - a combination of local and foreign origins - many marriages celebrated in many countries with a vulgar show of wealth forgetting human and humane living ethics!
Billionaires' galore! Assumed leadership in Asia defeating Japan with high concentration of wealth in a few thanks to facilitator Governments including Communist West Bengal!
Planning a rocket-trip - to a celestial abode - Moon - at the cost of billions, forgetting and escaping from all pressing priorities ignoring even the basic essentials that its citizens need.
How nice this country would be to live in if the Government and the few wealthy spent more towards achieving social equality among the subjects than throwing money in the gutters of ego and pride! Agree or Disagree?
Surely this is not a a perspective exclusively on India, but rather just a current example of the greed-driven society that has been present since cavemen discovered the advantages of having the biggest club.
There is always this cycle in the history of any country in this planet.. Consider the great Mauryan Empire that reached its peak of fame and prosperity in Asoka's regime period only to break up after his demise and decline... Same in the Emperor Akbar's period that waned after his grandson Aurangazeb's period..
Even in the epic periods like Krishna's time, there were greedy and egoistic kings as well as highly evolved ones...
Yet in your query you had expected rich Indians to be better appreciative of the plight of their poorer fraternity... Usually the wealth and noble attributes do not go together... That is why saints and sages keep away from wealth and fame...
They even avoid using their spiritual powers (Sidhis) much in order not to attract crowds and build up fame.. Since wealth and fame are sure to kindle one's pride and attachments to the worldly pleasures and destroy their hard-earned equanimity..
Only the Avathars like Lord Krishna or Jesus - who are not ordinary mortals - would use their divine powers. Such is the hold of the illusion of created world! Yet great spiritual wealth is still in India to lift it up from the worldly trap it has fallen - in infatuation with the western culture based on materialism - in the lines of great souls of the past (like Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Ramana etc..) Sree Sathya Sai Baba (South India), the spiritualist, philanthropist and social activist par excellence is already awakening the humanity through His own example of dedication and service to the poor and the suffering... The great Golden Age (sathya yuga) that Sri Aurobindo spoke of is already coming..
It is just no use in finding fault with the society without making our own contribution however small... Let us all do our little to alleviate the problems of the poor we see.. learn to live in harmony with our neighbours and colleagues... the accumulated vibrations of love and harmony would change the hearts of the toughest skeptic and materialists..
In Bombay, India's Wealth and Poverty on Display
India's economy is booming, but the new wealth is not shared by all. Some 400 million Indians still live on less than a dollar a day. This disparity in wealth is starkly evident in Bombay, which doubles as the commercial capital of India and the home of the largest slum in Asia.
A display of wealth or evidence of a market for luxury goods is there?
"GREED is good". These words, immortalised on the screen in the 1987 Hollywood film, "Wall Street", appropriately described the U.S. of the 1980s, when the acquisition of wealth and profligate consumption were highly valued. As we climb the ladder to developed country status, as we are told we are doing, those words can well describe the attitude of upper class Indians in the first decade of the 21st Century.
There now seem to be enough Indians who have the money and want to flaunt it by acquiring the most outrageous kinds of products. Whatever then does one make of two recent news reports? One, of a tie for men that is on sale for Rs.1 crore and, the second, of the Maybach car that can be had for a mere Rs.5 crores? Manufacturers and importers are confident that there is now a market in India for what are called "luxury goods", but are better described as products that are a vulgar display of extreme wealth.
The tie, which has 261 diamonds that give it its fame and price, is the more notable of the two products. Unlike the Maybach, the tie is not imported, but wears a "Made in India" label. And unlike the Maybach, which is not the most costly car in the world, the tie is said to be the most expensive of its kind. One can only say, "Wow, another first for India." The diamonds in the tie weigh a total of 77 carats, which are more likely to pull down a person's neck or perhaps even strangle him than make a man look all elegance and class. And as the product goes on display from city to city, I am puzzled why women models are wearing this tie meant for men. The 5.5-litre Maybach, we are told, can go from zero to 100 km/hour in just 5.4 seconds and came with a 600-watt music system. If one feature does not get you killed on Indian roads or run over pedestrians who have no safe place to walk, the other can make your eardrums burst. The Maybach also comes with "aircraft-type" reclining seats and electronically extendable foot rests. But I wonder if this money is better spent on an aircraft itself. There must be planes that can be bought for less than what the Maybach costs.
The vulgarity implied in the prices of these two products is obvious, but here, just in case, is just one set of statistics. India's average per capita income is now Rs.22,000 a year. That means the total income of a family of five would be, on the average, Rs1.1 lakh a year. So our own diamond-studded tie costs 100 times as much as an Indian family can, on the average, expect to earn in a year and the Maybach costs nearly 500 times as much the annual family income! This is gross inequality, plain and simple.
What does it say about us as a society that we still have the world's largest number of under-nourished people (214 million in 2001 according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation) and yet have fellow citizens who are potential buyers of the world's most expensive tie! We are now told by the new intellectual leaders of the times that the problem in the past was that Nehruvian socialism frowned on the creation of wealth. If only we had encouraged the acquisition of wealth in the first four decades after Independence, we would not have 214 million under-nourished Indians among us in the 21st Century. Yes, there was a fair amount of hypocrisy about the austerity of the earlier decades. Upper crust wealth was perhaps only a shade less important in the 1950s to the 1980s than today. In the absence of too many avenues for conspicuous consumption, all the wealth (mostly illegally acquired) used to be converted into gold bars, stashed away in Swiss bank accounts or just kept as cash in trunks. In that sense, there is now a greater element of honesty in the display of wealth. May be, but only the insensitive Indian will not feel deeply embarrassed by such astronomically priced articles of consumption as are now available.
By the way, if the Rs. 1 crore diamond tie and the Rs. 5 crore Maybach are too expensive for you, do not worry. You can still buy ties for just Rs. 15,000 or luxury cars for between Rs. 1.67 crores and Rs. 3 crores. That is competition in "India shining" for you
Rebirth? Do you believe in it? Do you welcome it? Are you happy in your present life? Think and reply please!
More about this question: - Odd question indeed! At 75, when I look back I see some plus factors in life like good family bond, rare happy situations and Lord's gifts of a good home - loving family relations. Tied to this I experienced pain, rejection, dejection, exploitation, social stigmas resultant to rebellious thoughts and all possible religious extortions besides unreasonable faith commands. I believe that my outlook on life is negative, but realistic. I didn't choose this life; but was delivered into it to suffer the agony, mystery and pain associated with it. My ultimate relief is that I am much better off, when I compare myself to His first born - the Universe where most planets are molested and the rest is on target. When even Moon is not safe from mankind why should I complain about my fate? I wish I might be spared from a second torture through rebirth. Do you like to be born again and start afresh another life without knowing your present life?
Yes, time heals all injuries. Think of it: if your soul is immortal, and you have endless numbers of lives, you have endless opportunities to get what you want out of life. The universe is, ultimately, very fair.
Definitely. I have been re-born - filled with the Holy Ghost, as evidenced by speaking in tongues (speaking fluently a language that I never learned).
Consciousness is the product of organic processes. Once the organism is dead, that consciousness is no longer produced. Rebirth is not possible. I do not believe in it. I would welcome it if I were able to maintain some continuity of consciousness rather than starting all over again. I am very happy in my life, including the pain and suffering that life inherently offers the thinking person.
Peace be yours ... let happiness follow
Yes, I believe in rebirth
The Bhagavath Gita, the sacred scripture says that a person may reincarnate in another species when he dies. For myself I try not to conform to this idea. I think that we rebirth into human being. However, we have to prove something in every life. The lines have already been traced but there are some decisions that change some settings of our life but not the core. There are Gurus in India that can tell you who you were and what you will be. Life is fragile and everything lies in this line
My only fear of death is reincarnation...
Does that mean I believe in it or not?
I don't believe in re-birth in the physical sense, only the spiritual sense of being 'born again', we beat tremendous odds against being born the first time, if you just figure the odds.
NO, I do not believe in re-birth. It is said, there is nothing new under the Sun. If it is, re-birth will be a redundancy. If it is not, then there is always something new, and the perpetuity of knowing will then be nonsensical.
How will I welcome something that is a mirage?
Happiness is relative.
My advice: Set back and relax, and as long as nobody is hurt in the process, create your own bubble of reality and be happy.
How deep is your question! You are 75 and doing well having lived a full life. I hope you remain healthy for many more years to come. I am Roman Catholic and am not meant to believe in reincarnation. However, I am not totally convinced there isn't rebirth after all. I would love to think that apart from our souls floating around somewhere (heaven, hell or purgatory) we do come back to make amends and keep coming back until we have lived our life in the way the Almighty wished us to. Everyone suffers pain so you must not feel alone in that. This is the way of our world. Without pain you cannot and will not appreciate all the good that surrounds you. You are wrong to think we do not choose our life - we do. We make our own destiny in many ways because the Holy One gives us choices. If we choose to take the wrong path and suffer negative consequences, that is of our own making. He gives us a helping hand but will not influence us. He gave us free will to make up our own minds. If we use our free will to make the wrong decision, we only have ourselves to blame. So, stop focusing on the negatives already and appreciate all the good around you and most of all, be happy. God bless!
Sometimes we don’t choose our path yet we are put on it. We are given circumstances when we are born. We make choices that improve or do something bad to our circumstances. If you make a choice to be reborn you are reborn. I believe in it. But we can never escape the past but we can make the choice to face it. Spare a day to thought and silence and you might find what you are looking for.
In my late 30s now, I have come across death a few times already. I guess the last was in my mid 20s
I was given the opportunity to leave or to stay. Of course i choose to stay.
I remember going over my life, myself judging my actions to myself. I felt for someone with my upbringing, emotional and physical hurdles, accidents that i had achieved so much and was so overjoyed with my efforts not to give in and to keep striving forward.
Staying here gave me a chance to continue life but everything would change. I would have to deal with Struggles an infant couldn't till much later in life, like marriage, family, businesses, houses etc.
And see if my spirit could then land again on its feet. I felt this was a great opportunity to be given because of the learning aspect..
I feel now some years later I have again achieved to land on my feet.
Learning the emotional pain and dealing with it, and yourself.
If I can keep my head above the hurdles that life brings and do my best, I feel I have learnt something important.
To come back and learn more again next time.
Sir, you will not be reborn
But there will be millions like you
Who will be living in world like you,
Feeling like you
And that is the rebirth in real sense
In this world
As we all live the life and gains of earlier generation
The future generation will be also living part of our life
And that is transfer of life from one generation to another,
Rebirth is a bad joke. We must remember that there is just one life that we are living. Live it, do whatever you want and never think that you will get another life for things that you left in this life.
Incarnation, rebirth, hell and heaven are all related to human brain and ideas only
Ultimate truth of life is death. What we humans define life is time between birth and death.
It is up to an individual how to make his / her life heaven or hell here on this planet in given time.
Most of the problems are man made and its humanity suffering from it because there is no end to human greed and wanting at the cost of other living and dead forms. We humans are worst kind of parasites.
If our ideas are not clear about when, how and what to do with current life / time , then what we are going to do in next carnation ?
Is not enough one life as a human ?
I believe in God Jehovah, & what he teaches in his word, the Bible. "You alone, Jehovah, are the God above all gods in supreme charge of all the earth." Psalms 83:18
Many people believe in reincarnation. The Bible, however, does not teach this
The Bible teaches that death is simply the cessation of life...
However, God can resurrect dead ones to life again, & He has promised to do so. There is a reason for all of this, explained later.
Many people have been taught that the dead have basically two possible destinations: either heaven, or hell. But, hell is not a destination or place. It is simply the common grave of mankind. It is from hell --mankind's common grave-- that ones are resurrected to life. And, the two possible destinations are either heaven, or the restored earth, as the same person that they died as ...
Personally, I am happy to be human, & I look forward to the time when the earth --along with mankind ... both those resurrected, & those who have never had to die (& never will!)-- has/have been restored to paradise conditions ...
I look forward to being able to welcome back my loved ones who have died, to a healthy, vibrant life -- in a paradisiacal environment, with plenty for everyone, including enjoyable work & associations.
I wasn't raised with these beliefs. As many others around the world, I searched for & chose to embrace Bible truth. My grandmother learned it when about your age, as have many others. I began studying it when 14.
The end of this Sad state of world affairs is Soon to be ended for ALL time ...
Only this time, the sources & all badness will NEVER again be allowed to take root!
It seems almost impossible, but one can never predict about the future. The future remains open. What seems inconceivable today, may become conceivable tomorrow.
We can never come to a point where the future closes. That's the whole meaning of existence being eternal.
It may be very difficult because I am not confined to any particular path, to any particular philosophical viewpoint. I am vast enough to contain contradictions, and whatever has happened on the earth as far as the evolution of consciousness is concerned, I have made it part of my own vision of life.
So if you look backwards, everything else will seem a little poorer, even the greatest giants will seem limited. But you are looking to the past, you are not looking to the future -- which is absolutely unpredictable.
Things will go on happening, new things will go on being added. And I am not a pond which is closed; I am more like a river, which goes on flowing, inviting every other river to join.
Whatever I have been giving you will remain uncontaminated, but it will be enriched more and more by the future evolution of man, because it is an open phenomenon.
Yup i believe in rebirth.
Every coin has two sides...and more over if pain is not there then how can we understand happiness...without darkness light has no existence.
What ever we do ...we have to bear the burden of it and this will go on ..until we have acquired true knowledge...that we are mere abomination in the hand of destiny and the one and only truth is the power who has created us all.
Pursuance of this knowledge is the ultimate job and all other jobs are futile. when we will be able to truly digest this fact then there will be no pain and no suffering and you will be able to break free ...
To take rebirth first I have to die then only I will be in position to explain your quotation correct answer.
The only rebirth anyone needs to worry about is being reborn in the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.
You do not approach the question, from the point of view of whether it is beneficial and acceptable to you. Every known religion vouches for its verity. Even in the Old Testament, there are internal evidences to suggest that the people believed in re-birth. The Indian religions have uniformly approved of the theory of rebirth and karma. Hindu faith is centred on the karma theory. Rebirth
Do not churches open a window for Faith Merchants and Blessings-brokers against the tenets of Christianity?
More about the question: -At all the Christianity 'baiting and bashing carnivals', we find men in colourful so-called holy robes sharing the podium with faith traders who fleece the knaves and gullible of their money on several guises to build up huge personal assets. Jesus Christ drove away the moneychangers from the church and to me His accredited followers go on adulterating the basic concepts of Christianity by gifting credibility to the faith merchants who are hell-bent on amassing wealth. Should not we all join together and fight this evil trend?
Whoa girl, you can write! I agree with you 100% but I am far more fascinated by your writing. You are great!
As a Christian Preacher, writer and Evangelist I take exception to your statement.
I work a full time job, overtime and all, to support my family.
I have never taken one red cent from a Church or Church member.
My web-site,, is paid for my me and I do not accept donations.
Don't believe me, check it out for yourself.
Not fight, but continue to serve God by offering the truth to those with ears to hear.
Jesus drove away those who where selling things to get their sins forgiven.
Today, the problem is not if you are selling Bibles or Christian books.
The problem is when people sell things to get their sins forgiven.
Like the Catholic church selling indulgencies.
Some denominations absolutely forbid the exchange of money or the "selling" of even religious material under the same roof as the worship center or sanctuary.
But you are right. Especially in Charismatic and Pentecostal churches, the pastors actually invite speakers with merchandise to sell, just so they can fleece the flock. I have seen it too many times.
Yes, but you are talking about the minority -- most of our pastors in our local churches are just regular guys making less than some factory workers and working way more hours with no union! The guys you are against are those send-me-all-your-money guys on TV -- they are not true to God's calling.
It's not charlatans like Cashflow Dollar and the rest we have to fight. It is the ignorance, gullibility, magical thinking that we have to combat. Where there are sheep there are wolves. We need to turn the sheep into bears. Then the Benny Hinns and Peter Popoffs and their ilk can go get jobs they are morally qualified for like running elevators.
Those aren't Christ's followers!
He prophesied about them - as his Enemies:
"A great number will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, were we not prophets in your name, and did we not by your name send out evil spirits, and by your name do works of power?
And then will I say to them, I never had knowledge of you: go from me, you workers of evil." -- Matthew 7:22,23
“There will ... be false teachers among you. These ... will quietly bring in destructive sects & ... disown even the owner that bought them . . . Also, with covetousness they will exploit you with counterfeit words.
And a great number will go ... in their evil ways, through whom the true way will have a bad name.
And in their desire for profit they will come to you with ... deceit, like traders doing business in souls: whose punishment has been ready for a long time ... their destruction is watching for them.” -- 2 Pet. 2:1- 3
I trust that God can take care of matters. His plan is already in the works. It is just a matter of a little more time ...
Why people react with anger & emotional outbursts when sensible questions on religions are asked? Intolerance?
More about the question: I have enough leisure-time and I think a lot on what happens around me, particularly exploitation of the innocents on many fronts? When I can't find out proper answers myself I refer the questions to an intelligent platform as 'Yahoo Answers'. Many of the answers I have received enriched my intelligence and knowledge. But I also receive answers through the Yahoo Forum and some of which are insulting. One gave an indication that 'Indians are idiots'. I did not want to react because I believed that his/her upbringing was faulty. I am a Christian by birth and I live among Hindus, noble in tolerance and understanding and I am proud of my brethren. Many of my Christian brethren had quoted from informative sources and replied to my questions to my entire satisfaction and gratitude. But a few express intolerance towards my questions. My request is this: - Let religions not come in our way to freethinking and let not emerging thoughts be suppressed!
I believe that people react with anger because, 1, they don't let the Holy spirit guide there thoughts and emotions and 2, They obviously don't have to close of a relationship with Jesus.
Tolerance and understanding, sharing of thoughts and opinions, a dying art, I live for the fact that some people can change my opinions, what a gift they have given me, answers to my questions, and questions to my answers, thanks for the sharing
Even the intolerant are intolerant of the intolerant. It is their way or the highway. It is the Human Factor (condition). Leave others in their personal comfort zone; and you lead by example. Peace comes from within, and some will be aware. One starfish at a time.
Its' called intolerance, but it really is their ego, they think "How DARE he/she/they talk about MY religion that way?" It is an Ultra-sensitive topic, and people will only be happy if you speak extremely gently about their religions, so it's best not to talk about it.
Please look around and most of the things that move are round. The earth is round so that friendship can encircle this. We know that history has recorded the ice age, the stone-age, the ancient age, Medieval period, 20 th century, Modern time and finally the present times. Neither the religions are made nor Gods were prayed. Still people lived. As the population grew, societies were formed and each society demanded a separate entity. That is how faith came to be followed and people imagined things there never were and asked why not. When the origin itself is not clear or not known people tend to be angry or emotional. If X calls why an idiot, Y does not become an idiot. It is an opinion expressed, and need not be true. Take it easy my friend, first you don’t become emotional. We are all just actors in a drama lasting only for a short while. Forgive and forget them.
My friend you know the answer and still you want to know more of it. Each one thinks differently; each his own way. Why go far, look at our families. Does a son think the same like his father or like his parents, very few. So justice and time is our main factor. People are not ready to accept real truth of life.
Religion is not the only rickety bridge that leads to the other side........actually I would rather say it is one of the paths that are yet discovering their ways across. What people tend to forget is the fact that each religion connects with each other and grows its boundaries and possibilities. I wouldn’t say religious intolerance is the root of the outburst of anger to questions on religion, it is ego, narrow mindedness and the inability to accept that the spiritual world is a much bigger concept that religion and that every religion gets entangled in certain controversies. The leaders of the religions should either explain them or solve them. Emotional or angry outbursts only prove that the person in question fears that his religion might be wrong in someway...however it is important that we understand that people make religions and that corruption comes along with those people. So we cannot have perfect religions considering the maker weren't and aren’t so themselves. Besides situations also affect religions...something is acceptable now... eren't then. so we must learn to analyze and understand what we follow better than to blindly follow it.
No. Religion is a matter of personal faith. The word "personal" has all in it. Every individual has different ways of existence which no one challenges. Similar is the case with "faith". When joined, it becomes a solid affair. Hence the reaction. Intolerance has no meaning here.
Rebirth? Do you believe in it? Do you welcome it? Are you happy in your present life? Think and reply please!
More about this question: - Odd question indeed! At 75, when I look back I see some plus factors in life like good family bond, rare happy situations and Lord's gifts of a good home - loving family relations. Tied to this I experienced pain, rejection, dejection, exploitation, social stigmas resultant to rebellious thoughts and all possible religious extortions besides unreasonable faith commands. I believe that my outlook on life is negative, but realistic. I didn't choose this life; but was delivered into it to suffer the agony, mystery and pain associated with it. My ultimate relief is that I am much better off, when I compare myself to His first born - the Universe where most planets are molested and the rest is on target. When even Moon is not safe from mankind why should I complain about my fate? I wish I might be spared from a second torture through rebirth. Do you like to be born again and start afresh another life without knowing your present life?
Yes, time heals all injuries. Think of it: if your soul is immortal, and you have endless numbers of lives, you have endless opportunities to get what you want out of life. The universe is, ultimately, very fair.
Definitely. I have been re-born - filled with the Holy Ghost, as evidenced by speaking in tongues (speaking fluently a language that I never learned).
Consciousness is the product of organic processes. Once the organism is dead, that consciousness is no longer produced. Rebirth is not possible. I do not believe in it. I would welcome it if I were able to maintain some continuity of consciousness rather than starting all over again. I am very happy in my life, including the pain and suffering that life inherently offers the thinking person.
Peace be yours ... let happiness follow
Yes, I believe in rebirth
The Bhagavath Gita, the sacred scripture says that a person may reincarnate in another species when he dies. For myself I try not to conform to this idea. I think that we rebirth into human being. However, we have to prove something in every life. The lines have already been traced but there are some decisions that change some settings of our life but not the core. There are Gurus in India that can tell you who you were and what you will be. Life is fragile and everything lies in this line
My only fear of death is reincarnation...
Does that mean I believe in it or not?
I don't believe in re-birth in the physical sense, only the spiritual sense of being 'born again', we beat tremendous odds against being born the first time, if you just figure the odds.
NO, I do not believe in re-birth. It is said, there is nothing new under the Sun. If it is, re-birth will be a redundancy. If it is not, then there is always something new, and the perpetuity of knowing will then be nonsensical.
How will I welcome something that is a mirage?
Happiness is relative.
My advice: Set back and relax, and as long as nobody is hurt in the process, create your own bubble of reality and be happy.
How deep is your question! You are 75 and doing well having lived a full life. I hope you remain healthy for many more years to come. I am Roman Catholic and am not meant to believe in reincarnation. However, I am not totally convinced there isn't rebirth after all. I would love to think that apart from our souls floating around somewhere (heaven, hell or purgatory) we do come back to make amends and keep coming back until we have lived our life in the way the Almighty wished us to. Everyone suffers pain so you must not feel alone in that. This is the way of our world. Without pain you cannot and will not appreciate all the good that surrounds you. You are wrong to think we do not choose our life - we do. We make our own destiny in many ways because the Holy One gives us choices. If we choose to take the wrong path and suffer negative consequences, that is of our own making. He gives us a helping hand but will not influence us. He gave us free will to make up our own minds. If we use our free will to make the wrong decision, we only have ourselves to blame. So, stop focusing on the negatives already and appreciate all the good around you and most of all, be happy. God bless!
Sometimes we don’t choose our path yet we are put on it. We are given circumstances when we are born. We make choices that improve or do something bad to our circumstances. If you make a choice to be reborn you are reborn. I believe in it. But we can never escape the past but we can make the choice to face it. Spare a day to thought and silence and you might find what you are looking for.
In my late 30s now, I have come across death a few times already. I guess the last was in my mid 20s
I was given the opportunity to leave or to stay. Of course i choose to stay.
I remember going over my life, myself judging my actions to myself. I felt for someone with my upbringing, emotional and physical hurdles, accidents that i had achieved so much and was so overjoyed with my efforts not to give in and to keep striving forward.
Staying here gave me a chance to continue life but everything would change. I would have to deal with Struggles an infant couldn't till much later in life, like marriage, family, businesses, houses etc.
And see if my spirit could then land again on its feet. I felt this was a great opportunity to be given because of the learning aspect..
I feel now some years later I have again achieved to land on my feet.
Learning the emotional pain and dealing with it, and yourself.
If I can keep my head above the hurdles that life brings and do my best, I feel I have learnt something important.
To come back and learn more again next time.
Sir, you will not be reborn
But there will be millions like you
Who will be living in world like you,
Feeling like you
And that is the rebirth in real sense
In this world
As we all live the life and gains of earlier generation
The future generation will be also living part of our life
And that is transfer of life from one generation to another,
Rebirth is a bad joke. We must remember that there is just one life that we are living. Live it, do whatever you want and never think that you will get another life for things that you left in this life.
Incarnation, rebirth, hell and heaven are all related to human brain and ideas only
Ultimate truth of life is death. What we humans define life is time between birth and death.
It is up to an individual how to make his / her life heaven or hell here on this planet in given time.
Most of the problems are man made and its humanity suffering from it because there is no end to human greed and wanting at the cost of other living and dead forms. We humans are worst kind of parasites.
If our ideas are not clear about when, how and what to do with current life / time , then what we are going to do in next carnation ?
Is not enough one life as a human ?
I believe in God Jehovah, & what he teaches in his word, the Bible. "You alone, Jehovah, are the God above all gods in supreme charge of all the earth." Psalms 83:18
Many people believe in reincarnation. The Bible, however, does not teach this
The Bible teaches that death is simply the cessation of life...
However, God can resurrect dead ones to life again, & He has promised to do so. There is a reason for all of this, explained later.
Many people have been taught that the dead have basically two possible destinations: either heaven, or hell. But, hell is not a destination or place. It is simply the common grave of mankind. It is from hell --mankind's common grave-- that ones are resurrected to life. And, the two possible destinations are either heaven, or the restored earth, as the same person that they died as ...
Personally, I am happy to be human, & I look forward to the time when the earth --along with mankind ... both those resurrected, & those who have never had to die (& never will!)-- has/have been restored to paradise conditions ...
I look forward to being able to welcome back my loved ones who have died, to a healthy, vibrant life -- in a paradisiacal environment, with plenty for everyone, including enjoyable work & associations.
I wasn't raised with these beliefs. As many others around the world, I searched for & chose to embrace Bible truth. My grandmother learned it when about your age, as have many others. I began studying it when 14.
The end of this Sad state of world affairs is Soon to be ended for ALL time ...
Only this time, the sources & all badness will NEVER again be allowed to take root!
It seems almost impossible, but one can never predict about the future. The future remains open. What seems inconceivable today, may become conceivable tomorrow.
We can never come to a point where the future closes. That's the whole meaning of existence being eternal.
It may be very difficult because I am not confined to any particular path, to any particular philosophical viewpoint. I am vast enough to contain contradictions, and whatever has happened on the earth as far as the evolution of consciousness is concerned, I have made it part of my own vision of life.
So if you look backwards, everything else will seem a little poorer, even the greatest giants will seem limited. But you are looking to the past, you are not looking to the future -- which is absolutely unpredictable.
Things will go on happening, new things will go on being added. And I am not a pond which is closed; I am more like a river, which goes on flowing, inviting every other river to join.
Whatever I have been giving you will remain uncontaminated, but it will be enriched more and more by the future evolution of man, because it is an open phenomenon.
Yup i believe in rebirth.
Every coin has two sides...and more over if pain is not there then how can we understand happiness...without darkness light has no existence.
What ever we do ...we have to bear the burden of it and this will go on ..until we have acquired true knowledge...that we are mere abomination in the hand of destiny and the one and only truth is the power who has created us all.
Pursuance of this knowledge is the ultimate job and all other jobs are futile. when we will be able to truly digest this fact then there will be no pain and no suffering and you will be able to break free ...
To take rebirth first I have to die then only I will be in position to explain your quotation correct answer.
The only rebirth anyone needs to worry about is being reborn in the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.
You do not approach the question, from the point of view of whether it is beneficial and acceptable to you. Every known religion vouches for its verity. Even in the Old Testament, there are internal evidences to suggest that the people believed in re-birth. The Indian religions have uniformly approved of the theory of rebirth and karma. Hindu faith is centred on the karma theory. Rebirth
Do not churches open a window for Faith Merchants and Blessings-brokers against the tenets of Christianity?
More about the question: -At all the Christianity 'baiting and bashing carnivals', we find men in colourful so-called holy robes sharing the podium with faith traders who fleece the knaves and gullible of their money on several guises to build up huge personal assets. Jesus Christ drove away the moneychangers from the church and to me His accredited followers go on adulterating the basic concepts of Christianity by gifting credibility to the faith merchants who are hell-bent on amassing wealth. Should not we all join together and fight this evil trend?
Whoa girl, you can write! I agree with you 100% but I am far more fascinated by your writing. You are great!
As a Christian Preacher, writer and Evangelist I take exception to your statement.
I work a full time job, overtime and all, to support my family.
I have never taken one red cent from a Church or Church member.
My web-site,, is paid for my me and I do not accept donations.
Don't believe me, check it out for yourself.
Not fight, but continue to serve God by offering the truth to those with ears to hear.
Jesus drove away those who where selling things to get their sins forgiven.
Today, the problem is not if you are selling Bibles or Christian books.
The problem is when people sell things to get their sins forgiven.
Like the Catholic church selling indulgencies.
Some denominations absolutely forbid the exchange of money or the "selling" of even religious material under the same roof as the worship center or sanctuary.
But you are right. Especially in Charismatic and Pentecostal churches, the pastors actually invite speakers with merchandise to sell, just so they can fleece the flock. I have seen it too many times.
Yes, but you are talking about the minority -- most of our pastors in our local churches are just regular guys making less than some factory workers and working way more hours with no union! The guys you are against are those send-me-all-your-money guys on TV -- they are not true to God's calling.
It's not charlatans like Cashflow Dollar and the rest we have to fight. It is the ignorance, gullibility, magical thinking that we have to combat. Where there are sheep there are wolves. We need to turn the sheep into bears. Then the Benny Hinns and Peter Popoffs and their ilk can go get jobs they are morally qualified for like running elevators.
Those aren't Christ's followers!
He prophesied about them - as his Enemies:
"A great number will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, were we not prophets in your name, and did we not by your name send out evil spirits, and by your name do works of power?
And then will I say to them, I never had knowledge of you: go from me, you workers of evil." -- Matthew 7:22,23
“There will ... be false teachers among you. These ... will quietly bring in destructive sects & ... disown even the owner that bought them . . . Also, with covetousness they will exploit you with counterfeit words.
And a great number will go ... in their evil ways, through whom the true way will have a bad name.
And in their desire for profit they will come to you with ... deceit, like traders doing business in souls: whose punishment has been ready for a long time ... their destruction is watching for them.” -- 2 Pet. 2:1- 3
I trust that God can take care of matters. His plan is already in the works. It is just a matter of a little more time ...
Why people react with anger & emotional outbursts when sensible questions on religions are asked? Intolerance?
More about the question: I have enough leisure-time and I think a lot on what happens around me, particularly exploitation of the innocents on many fronts? When I can't find out proper answers myself I refer the questions to an intelligent platform as 'Yahoo Answers'. Many of the answers I have received enriched my intelligence and knowledge. But I also receive answers through the Yahoo Forum and some of which are insulting. One gave an indication that 'Indians are idiots'. I did not want to react because I believed that his/her upbringing was faulty. I am a Christian by birth and I live among Hindus, noble in tolerance and understanding and I am proud of my brethren. Many of my Christian brethren had quoted from informative sources and replied to my questions to my entire satisfaction and gratitude. But a few express intolerance towards my questions. My request is this: - Let religions not come in our way to freethinking and let not emerging thoughts be suppressed!
I believe that people react with anger because, 1, they don't let the Holy spirit guide there thoughts and emotions and 2, They obviously don't have to close of a relationship with Jesus.
Tolerance and understanding, sharing of thoughts and opinions, a dying art, I live for the fact that some people can change my opinions, what a gift they have given me, answers to my questions, and questions to my answers, thanks for the sharing
Even the intolerant are intolerant of the intolerant. It is their way or the highway. It is the Human Factor (condition). Leave others in their personal comfort zone; and you lead by example. Peace comes from within, and some will be aware. One starfish at a time.
Its' called intolerance, but it really is their ego, they think "How DARE he/she/they talk about MY religion that way?" It is an Ultra-sensitive topic, and people will only be happy if you speak extremely gently about their religions, so it's best not to talk about it.
Please look around and most of the things that move are round. The earth is round so that friendship can encircle this. We know that history has recorded the ice age, the stone-age, the ancient age, Medieval period, 20 th century, Modern time and finally the present times. Neither the religions are made nor Gods were prayed. Still people lived. As the population grew, societies were formed and each society demanded a separate entity. That is how faith came to be followed and people imagined things there never were and asked why not. When the origin itself is not clear or not known people tend to be angry or emotional. If X calls why an idiot, Y does not become an idiot. It is an opinion expressed, and need not be true. Take it easy my friend, first you don’t become emotional. We are all just actors in a drama lasting only for a short while. Forgive and forget them.
My friend you know the answer and still you want to know more of it. Each one thinks differently; each his own way. Why go far, look at our families. Does a son think the same like his father or like his parents, very few. So justice and time is our main factor. People are not ready to accept real truth of life.
Religion is not the only rickety bridge that leads to the other side........actually I would rather say it is one of the paths that are yet discovering their ways across. What people tend to forget is the fact that each religion connects with each other and grows its boundaries and possibilities. I wouldn’t say religious intolerance is the root of the outburst of anger to questions on religion, it is ego, narrow mindedness and the inability to accept that the spiritual world is a much bigger concept that religion and that every religion gets entangled in certain controversies. The leaders of the religions should either explain them or solve them. Emotional or angry outbursts only prove that the person in question fears that his religion might be wrong in someway...however it is important that we understand that people make religions and that corruption comes along with those people. So we cannot have perfect religions considering the maker weren't and aren’t so themselves. Besides situations also affect religions...something is acceptable now... eren't then. so we must learn to analyze and understand what we follow better than to blindly follow it.
No. Religion is a matter of personal faith. The word "personal" has all in it. Every individual has different ways of existence which no one challenges. Similar is the case with "faith". When joined, it becomes a solid affair. Hence the reaction. Intolerance has no meaning here.
Love, brotherhood, nonviolence and tolerance! Do these exist in its true sense in this world?
More about this question: - I live in India and my country is universally loved because of its great heritage, great traditions, great religions, great culture and bountiful nature. We gained freedom through nonviolence and our ‘Rashtrapitha’, Gandhiji believed and practiced it but he fell a prey as victim to violence. All religions preach love, brotherhood, nonviolence and tolerance, but its followers live more by dogmas and evils and seldom practice these noble virtues. I am not tutoring you on certain values and its self-enforcement, but do not you think that if mankind imbibes these qualities, this world would be a more safe, secure, peaceful and loving world to live in? Don’t you think that we live in a world of swords raised against our own brethren?
I totally disagree Ghandi's values are alive today, much as they were before him and will be in the future. Peace and love and tolerance are in abundance in this world. If they were not we would not be able to have the societies that we do now. Development isn't allowed if we do not work together, and we obviously have, if not as a planet then as individual societies.
I think there's voices of hate, and those people are created by conditioning. These people are loud but aren't overly successful. I have found that these people are actually good for societies as they create a counterculture of tolerance and kindness. Many people that I know look down on those who are hateful, because we know them to be emotionally underdeveloped. For every follower they get I believe there's 100 to oppose them.
In his truest form man is tolerant and loving and I believe that mankind is able to do anything at this time. Also thanks to communication tools we have a greater understanding of other cultures and can sympathize better with them then at any other time in history where they would seem as alien as from another world.
India is a "Hype -oriented country"...nothing more nothing less...
"Love of English"
"American Brotherhood"
" Nonviolence towards corruption"
"Tolerance to Mosquitoes"...
The wise men spoken of in Luke at the time of Christ's birth were more than likely part of these great religions that you speak of.
Christianity is misunderstood more by those who claim to practice it than those, like you, who understand faith, charity, brotherhood, and loyalty, and stand outside shaking their collective heads. Christ tried to bring the understanding of religion to a world that insisted on making religion a series of ceremonies rather than a personal life of loving, giving, and prayer.
I agree to whatever you say but how will we sense the negatives of life if everything is rosy and good if night comes day has to come and if day comes night has to follow that is the law of nature so any thing that is bitter is for good than only you will value good things and enjoy it
Unfortunately, they do not exist in its true sense. Because some people are not willing to be tolerant
More about this question: - I live in India and my country is universally loved because of its great heritage, great traditions, great religions, great culture and bountiful nature. We gained freedom through nonviolence and our ‘Rashtrapitha’, Gandhiji believed and practiced it but he fell a prey as victim to violence. All religions preach love, brotherhood, nonviolence and tolerance, but its followers live more by dogmas and evils and seldom practice these noble virtues. I am not tutoring you on certain values and its self-enforcement, but do not you think that if mankind imbibes these qualities, this world would be a more safe, secure, peaceful and loving world to live in? Don’t you think that we live in a world of swords raised against our own brethren?
I totally disagree Ghandi's values are alive today, much as they were before him and will be in the future. Peace and love and tolerance are in abundance in this world. If they were not we would not be able to have the societies that we do now. Development isn't allowed if we do not work together, and we obviously have, if not as a planet then as individual societies.
I think there's voices of hate, and those people are created by conditioning. These people are loud but aren't overly successful. I have found that these people are actually good for societies as they create a counterculture of tolerance and kindness. Many people that I know look down on those who are hateful, because we know them to be emotionally underdeveloped. For every follower they get I believe there's 100 to oppose them.
In his truest form man is tolerant and loving and I believe that mankind is able to do anything at this time. Also thanks to communication tools we have a greater understanding of other cultures and can sympathize better with them then at any other time in history where they would seem as alien as from another world.
India is a "Hype -oriented country"...nothing more nothing less...
"Love of English"
"American Brotherhood"
" Nonviolence towards corruption"
"Tolerance to Mosquitoes"...
The wise men spoken of in Luke at the time of Christ's birth were more than likely part of these great religions that you speak of.
Christianity is misunderstood more by those who claim to practice it than those, like you, who understand faith, charity, brotherhood, and loyalty, and stand outside shaking their collective heads. Christ tried to bring the understanding of religion to a world that insisted on making religion a series of ceremonies rather than a personal life of loving, giving, and prayer.
I agree to whatever you say but how will we sense the negatives of life if everything is rosy and good if night comes day has to come and if day comes night has to follow that is the law of nature so any thing that is bitter is for good than only you will value good things and enjoy it
Unfortunately, they do not exist in its true sense. Because some people are not willing to be tolerant
Can you define roles of Women as daughters, sisters, professional heads, wives, in-laws, mothers and citizens?
More about this question: - This day is International Women’s Day. I salute the women of the World on this especially dedicated day. I have three daughters who are good housewives. I have a sister who I consider is one in a billion as a daughter and sister. My late wife I consider was most dutiful and was God’s special choice of gift to me. My mother was exceptional and the one advice she gave to me - God has better plans for you - when I was in deep distress – guides me through in rugged terrains. The women I am closely related are the only ones known to me and therefore I suffer from definition limitations. Could you kindly narrate your views from a broad spectrum?
I agree with you.
In my opinion, Women as daughter (deserve the right to go schooling, filial to parents, can be compared to boys)
Women as sisters (sisters should be the ones which are closest to you - as in your siblings. They are the ones, which are going to help you should your parents pass away)
Women as wives (household tasks, be a loving wife)
Women as mothers (be fair to children, love them, help them and show concern to them. The children will do whatever their parents have done to them in their young days.)
Sorry for clear ideas.
Ladies are bad, greedy, selfish.
My wife never ask me: What will you eat?
She never allow to tell my need.
She force me to eat as per choice / taste.
Giving desired is Aadar, not giving desired in Atyachar, giving unwanted is balatkar.
I am not complaining. I am telling my need. She ignores my need. She asks all about desire but she turn face when my turn come. I have no mother. I was green chholiya. My wife is not giving me chholiya. My demand is normal / seasonal. Can you give chholiya. I can pay any money to any women, who is ready to cook for me. She has 100 desires. I also have 90 desires. She buy / do / get all as per her desire but force me to use as per her desire. She is queen but I am king. She owns 100% house and not allow me to do 1% in home. Ladies ARE BAD, simply bad. Can you prove that ladies are good? Her relative to me: Bear all. Adjust. But how long? She is not ready to give me food of my choice on Karva Chauth / my birth day. She is son of *****.
In my experience as daughter, she is my most close and dearest.
As sister, she is my another dearer and partner of my internal or mental distress.
As wife, she is a good home manager, my loveliest love, but in kitchen politics and local village politics(Para-politics) she is so weak and helpless.
As professional head, she is often a liar with less love! Heartless.
As a citizen, she is a dirty planner, zealous; always intend to make somebody in danger
Women ine love, can be defined as the serene god in one sense and can be called as sarveshwari blessing the whole community by lending her services.
Women of today are performing all type of roles. In true terms they are just like a single soldier army or single handedly run institution. They perform all the roles in such perfection that no body can find fault in their minute planning and execution.
In short we can only try to define their roles as follows:
Daughters: For parents they are here to obey, follow, guide, care about their health, ,
share their joys and sorrows, and prepare them for facing the world;
Sister: To serve as figure of inspiration, guide, share, give and teach good things to their brothers;
Professional Heads: To fulfill the responsibility of head of the family by taking all the responsibilities of failures on her head and give full credit of success to her colleagues;
Wives: Always ready to help her husband out of any kind of trouble/grievance/ stress/strain ;
In-laws: Always coming forward to give their advice, guidance and share the resources with relatives;
Mothers: Ready to face all the troubles/ hardships for the welfare of her children;
CITIZENS: As citizens, women are more alert; show more maturity and responsibility as citizen of the country.
Why not call us MIXER GRINDERS. Yoy see like a mixie which wet-grinds, dry grinds, makes juices, women too go through the grinds of life giving everybody around them what they want expecting the least.
And for the friend abused by his wife you cannot form an opinion on the entire race on the basis of your experience. You may be wrong somewhere, if not then stand up and speak up. If you are still with her means she is right.
Earlier there was division of labour in house like earning is done by male member and house is managed by ladies. Now the concept has gone. Now both are working and so both are handling all the positions in house and at office.
By the by, when you say a lady holds the post of daughters, sisters, professional heads, wives, In-laws, mothers and citizen, the equivalent post are held by gents also.
What qualities do you expect of a role-model (1) Physician (2) Lawyer (3) Priest?
More about this question: - They are destined to practice ethics in their profession. But do they? Don't you think that their professional standards are deteriorating by measured human values day by day? Target them to reveal the values they should adopt in serving humanity.
Physician, Lawyer and Priest should have humanity.
A physician, I expect them to be courteous, respectful, and practice their job well.
A lawyer, (well if it's not Howard K. Stern) I expect about the same.
A priest, I expect him to practice what he preaches and don't touch the altar boys.
Yes they are deteriorating.
A Doctor: Compassion, honesty and understanding.
A lawyer: Honesty
A Priest: Self control
And for all 3, I would really hope that they would lighten up on their greed.
You may be thinking "how is a priest greedy?" Well, I used to work for a Catholic priest as a secretary and I still am shocked when I think of what goes on behind closed doors. Meaning, that only the people that were "behind the scenes" really knew what went on. I used to be a devout Catholic and I am now Agnostic. And it goes without saying that I no longer work there.
All three should realise the value of other's lives in their hands.
(1) Physician - Dedication
(2) Lawyer - Faithfulness
(3) Preists – Wisdom
To be honest a lawyer can never be a role model to anyone.. well most of them cant.... a priest well he does his thing cause he feels god chose him to do it.. sure they can be role models for staunch believers.. a physician hmm well.. he went through 6 - 7 yrs of medical school to get where he/she is yeah u can get determination from them... or even a strong will power but not all of them are loyal to their profession... so nah in my opinion u pick your role model not according to the profession they are into but based on more the kind of human being he or she is !
What qualities do you expect of (1) A good Teacher (2) A good student?
More about this question? - Place on the screen the teachers who had taught you and look at what good did you see in them. Look also at the students around you who are now more informed and intelligent and how do you measure them up by their good standards.
A teacher has to want to teach, a student has to want to learn. Any other traits are incidental.
A good teacher is flexible. (S)he has to change schedules on the drop of a dime, understand how to accommodate learning styles and preferences and abilities, etc. Good teachers need to be patient, willing to try new things, observant and up to date on where to get the best resources.
Good students are a product of good teachers
A good teacher encourages questions, a good student will not be afraid to ask questions
A good teacher will teach you properly and look for your benefits
A good student will always listen to a teacher
(1) A good teacher - must be broad-banded in delivery so as to "connect" with every attending student - s/he will use simple understandable language even for difficult topics - s/he will always illustrate each concept with examples that the students are familiar- s/he will proactively anticipate, even evoke, queries in the minds of the students and either answer them directly or better still, lead them to find the answer for themselves, s/he will encourage them to ask questions without inhibitions when in doubt, he will also foster a synergistic group culture, s/he will always try to appear and act in an impartial manner, at the same time, recognizing talents without demoralizing the rest - above all, s/he will be of high moral and ethical character so that the students imbibe the same by way of association and interactions.
(2) A good student will be, first and foremost, DEVOTED, humble, courteous and respectful to the teacher, approach with due humility, CURIOSITY, strict discipline, sense of refuge, constant alertness and hard labour.
Shastra says: "Shraddhaban labhate jnanam." and "Vidya dadati Vinayam."..etc.
Our ancient people gave third priority to the teacher after our mother and father. So a teacher should be like a family member.
He should be some time like a friend, guider, philosopher etc.
In my opinion teacher is like god, he will make a poor minded persons into a bright person. If they also feel that there students are also like their children then they will teach lessons very clearly.
A good teacher should treat the children as their own child and try their best to make them a better human being by their teaching and a good student is one who treats their teachers like mothers and try their best to learn every possible thing from their teachers and become a good personality so that their teachers know that they were good teachers!!!!
A good teacher in the sense means he/she should have patience. He should have the intention to make his students enlightened with knowledge. He should not only teach the academic subjects, but also discipline, service orientation, leadership qualities, and other virtuous qualities. He should be able to treat all his students equally. He should fulfill his duty of teaching "The future citizens of tomorrow".
A good student must respect his teachers, parents, elders. He should have a thirst to acquire more knowledge thereby improving the society conditions around him. He should maintain discipline, punctuality, not involving any inequalities.
Moreover, he should remember "Mathru devo bava,pithru devo bava,acharya devo bava"...
Just by cooperation and understanding, there exists a good relationship between a teacher and a student, which is much needed.
More about this question? - Place on the screen the teachers who had taught you and look at what good did you see in them. Look also at the students around you who are now more informed and intelligent and how do you measure them up by their good standards.
A teacher has to want to teach, a student has to want to learn. Any other traits are incidental.
A good teacher is flexible. (S)he has to change schedules on the drop of a dime, understand how to accommodate learning styles and preferences and abilities, etc. Good teachers need to be patient, willing to try new things, observant and up to date on where to get the best resources.
Good students are a product of good teachers
A good teacher encourages questions, a good student will not be afraid to ask questions
A good teacher will teach you properly and look for your benefits
A good student will always listen to a teacher
(1) A good teacher - must be broad-banded in delivery so as to "connect" with every attending student - s/he will use simple understandable language even for difficult topics - s/he will always illustrate each concept with examples that the students are familiar- s/he will proactively anticipate, even evoke, queries in the minds of the students and either answer them directly or better still, lead them to find the answer for themselves, s/he will encourage them to ask questions without inhibitions when in doubt, he will also foster a synergistic group culture, s/he will always try to appear and act in an impartial manner, at the same time, recognizing talents without demoralizing the rest - above all, s/he will be of high moral and ethical character so that the students imbibe the same by way of association and interactions.
(2) A good student will be, first and foremost, DEVOTED, humble, courteous and respectful to the teacher, approach with due humility, CURIOSITY, strict discipline, sense of refuge, constant alertness and hard labour.
Shastra says: "Shraddhaban labhate jnanam." and "Vidya dadati Vinayam."..etc.
Our ancient people gave third priority to the teacher after our mother and father. So a teacher should be like a family member.
He should be some time like a friend, guider, philosopher etc.
In my opinion teacher is like god, he will make a poor minded persons into a bright person. If they also feel that there students are also like their children then they will teach lessons very clearly.
A good teacher should treat the children as their own child and try their best to make them a better human being by their teaching and a good student is one who treats their teachers like mothers and try their best to learn every possible thing from their teachers and become a good personality so that their teachers know that they were good teachers!!!!
A good teacher in the sense means he/she should have patience. He should have the intention to make his students enlightened with knowledge. He should not only teach the academic subjects, but also discipline, service orientation, leadership qualities, and other virtuous qualities. He should be able to treat all his students equally. He should fulfill his duty of teaching "The future citizens of tomorrow".
A good student must respect his teachers, parents, elders. He should have a thirst to acquire more knowledge thereby improving the society conditions around him. He should maintain discipline, punctuality, not involving any inequalities.
Moreover, he should remember "Mathru devo bava,pithru devo bava,acharya devo bava"...
Just by cooperation and understanding, there exists a good relationship between a teacher and a student, which is much needed.
What makes an ideal home and what part each member play towards its achievement?
More about the question: - Home is where values, discipline and character are developed. What are the conditions essential for nurturing these qualities? Do we allot enough of our time, our home deserves and do we care to make it an ideal one. Please answer in detail.
Eat some meals together
limited tv time
positive adult role models
health communication and personal relationships
balance of work and play for all
complimentary and often different roles for each adult and each child
education is regarded highly in the family
open expression of emotions
safe and consistent environment
not overly sterile-clean or overly messy/disorganized
More about the question: - Home is where values, discipline and character are developed. What are the conditions essential for nurturing these qualities? Do we allot enough of our time, our home deserves and do we care to make it an ideal one. Please answer in detail.
Eat some meals together
limited tv time
positive adult role models
health communication and personal relationships
balance of work and play for all
complimentary and often different roles for each adult and each child
education is regarded highly in the family
open expression of emotions
safe and consistent environment
not overly sterile-clean or overly messy/disorganized
Does not the JUDICIAL DISPENSATION of a nation be drastically reformed if found stagnant?
What does it mean by dispensation? Dispensation is defined as Religious System prevalent at a particular time. It is a management system entrusted to a church. Judiciary cannot deviate from an established law prevalent for dispensation of justice. What is needed is judicial reform. Indian judiciary is independent and works within the frame- work of law. It follows strictly according to evidence submitted. If it is primitive and stale, it is for the law-makers, that is Parliament members, to bring about a change. Professional misconduct is observed only in the lower level of judiciary. It is not stagnant and blind to realities, it works but the lawyers put forward illogical arguments and seek adjournment a number of times for selfish goal. Our law is clear but the mind-set of the people should change. Without judicial activism, we should have become passive spectators of unhealthy trend in our political system. I have full faith in the judiciary, while the lawyers are liars
How do you rate these professions by ethics, its followers follow: Lawyers, Physicians, Priests & Teachers?
More about the question: - Natural milk - not the processed one - is pure. But it emits a nasty stink when not preserved right. All the professions listed above are noble and are destined to serve humanity, in the noblest way. Looking diligently around you, come to your own conclusions and let it be undressed and exposed through your answers for the society that is eager to know whether you share some of its observations.
Teachers, physicians, priests, lawyers.
Teachers aren't in their job for the money or the fame, for they usually have neither. They wouldn't be teachers unless they wanted to educate the children of today. Some who are doctors are merely in it for the money, despite saving lives, and some doctors have made reckless decisions--which places them at number two on my list. Priests generally have good intentions, but with what I've heard recently about priests and children...apparently, they don't always. Some of them can be pretty mean, too, if you don't believe in the religion they follow. And lawyers received last place because you almost always hear about them being liars, only in it for the money, etc. Sometimes, they will defend the criminals, whether or not they believe in their story.
2)pastors (I grew up Lutheran-lol)
Priests...not on the list as not ethical
Most Lawyers are only interested in profits. Lowest on the pole of ethics. Most Teachers are only in interested in their paychecks and how many more paid days off they can get. One step above lawyers. Priests for the most part are ethical. And Physicians are probably the most ethical of all, otherwise they face tremendous lawsuits.
1)Physicians-termed as God on earth, maintain existence of individual
2)Teachers- sculpturing individual
3)Priest- Maintain individual peace
4)Lawyers- Protect individual from abuse
All the professions listed above are uniformly noble and destined to serve the humanity - as 'Professions" but as NOT as the present day 'Professionals'.
Most of the professionals in the listed professions, now a days, have become highly immoral, corrupted and business minded with no mind to serve the humanity like the in olden days.
If you sincerely ask a true Hindu philosopher he would say that it is all the manifestations of 'kaliyuga' and all will be reversed at the end of 'kaliyuga'
He who lives by his daily bread is a happy man! Do you agree?
More about this question: - Switch on your T V! Open up your Newspaper! You will find personalities on either an acquisition or an achievement drive being adored for their endeavor. Mentally and physically they toil hard sacrificing their health and a harmonious family life, when they are on hot pursuits after wealth and fame. They forget the Law of Diminishing Utility and the basic fact that a low-sq. ft., coffin never accommodates an empire. When achievements are many, sacrifices are more. Thus gains that can't be relished will remain left-overs. You have limits in everything, particularly consumption. What is the use of owning everything under the Sun and gloating over it when the Law of Diminishing utility applies on us? In this context don't you think that a man who live by his daily bread with saving enough to take care of the future lives a glorious and enviable life?
I agree no less. How beautiful our planet will be, if all the people work for their bread and give to others whatever surplus they have earned that day! In fact, the primitive human society was like that. There was no concept of self-acquisition of property and private ownership. The wealth of Nature belonged to the entire community and other living beings.
Gives this day...our daily Pastrami sandwich (on a french roll with heavy mustard and dill pickles)
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and deliver us from evil....Amen.
Give us our daily bread as we forgive those who trespass against us
If everyone worked only for their "daily bread" then you would not be using the computer and the internet and not asking any questions
There would have been no DEVELOPMENT.
Satisfaction is good thing but one bread in a day is not enough to get satisfaction in this world. Be practical and try to get bread with butter and jam
I don't think that a man who live by his daily bread with saving enough to take care of the future lives a glorious and enviable life because glorious life depends on character within and not on bread. There is no guaranty of what you said.
If everybody starts thinking and practicing that you said than no inventions (even small ones) remain and the ultimate destiny will be jungle life. This is absolutely not wise to adopt. I think, now you will agree with me.
It is my Guru (master) who told me "In this world only two category people are really wealthy. One who gets deep sleep in the night, and the other who cleans his stomach every morning with out any external support"
From that I inferred that, for these two noble qualities, one should do his part of work without cheating anyone - himself, and eat his food giving a portion to charity.
Yes, agreed. Everybody in this universe should be following it. All those creatures / animals / birds / plants etc., which are all programmed and functioning without using its free will, lives by daily bread. Human beings alone who has discrimination capacity, store food in the form of money. Probably if the barter system had continued, no body in this universe will sleep without food and nobody ever will store food because it will get spoiled or eaten away by insects / rats etc., so forcefully the food would have been distributed. If one follows this strictly his daily bread is assured 100%
jab aye santosh dhan sab dhan dhuri saman.... Rahim said it
A poor man is more blessed because if by God's grace he comes across a saint, he is likely to surrender to him quickly. In the case of wealthy man his ego will come in the way and he is likely to ignore the advice, when he comes across a saint.
That does not mean that all poor are deserving and all rich are undeserving. The intensity with which you desire the grace of God, only entitles you to the privilege of meeting a true saint.
Yes you should live for the day only and thank Him for that.
Yes, absolutely I agree with your view point. He will be happy on another account also. Living by his daily bread also means living in the Present Moment and not to be bothered about future and not feeling guilty about the past. This Present is Omnipresent. Hence anybody living by his daily bread is definitely a happy man.
Love thy neighbour", "brotherhood between men", "Peace be unto you", What relevance these messages have now?
More about the question: - States and citizens unleash terror and brutal violence in the name of peace, security and faith. The might of one State strikes at another and incapacitates its innocent subjects. Misguided citizens form terrorist groups and strike at the unwary! All have their own reasons and excuses for their sham behaviour. Whether elephants mate or fight, poor grass is the victim! When we get up in the morning we look for a day full of suspense. This is a universal reality. Cheating, exploitation and committing frauds on innocents are the orders of the day. Our mentors in the past have left noble messages and best wishes for us to cherish. "Love thy neighbors", "brotherhood between men", "Peace be unto you" - these are some among the many. But with characterless leaders at the helm in politics, religion and society what relevance these best wishes have in our daily life? Look around! Also search your mind’s recordings. Then answer!
I am always confused when people ask the relevance of something such as "love your neighbor" when people clearly aren't doing that. What does the relevance have to do with it. It is just as relevant today as it was when first said, just not as adhered to. Were people to decide to follow these things it would be a much nicer place. But still wouldn't change the relevance. Truth is always relevant.
Absolutely none. But good question.
Yes, it is hard to for those messages to have relevance today with crime against humanity is still being committed although those messages have been with us for a long time.
The messages in your question are needed today more than ever. We cannot change the whole world but we must not let the world change us. Listen to the words to Garth Brooks song "The Change". .We may not be able to make the world any better but at least try to not make it any worse. Be kind towards others, it costs nothing to be kind. One simple act of kindness may have a positive impact on someone's day. We have hope for a good day because we think it is possible. If we don't at least try to make it a better day, don't blame others for not making an effort. Most of our daily contact with society is with those we are in immediate contact everyday. We are accountable for our own actions .Peace and love are spread one person at a time.
There is love,hope and beauty in the world but the media focuses on the negative. Good news does not sell newspapers.
Due to increase in population & failure of our economy to generate employment opportunities in proportions, men had started opting wrong methods. He has become greedy & selfish for his survival/ Then due to increasing tensions , there is a decline on self control power of people, due to which they get angry very soon. So in my opinion this attitude is not going to change until the economy is fully developed. This sentence do not have any relevance in any developing economy
The above maxims are relevant always and everywhere. In the present crucial times, it is all the more relevant. The only tragedy is that nobody takes any interest in following these maxims. The present state of things are men made. Greed is one of the main reason for this unsavoury situation. What Newton has invented as physical laws is relevant in spiritual life also. Every action gets equal and opposite reaction. Likewise every deed committed by the human beings reciprocates with the same velocity. We cannot blame God for all this happenings. God has given us intellect and discrimination power to apply before undertaking any actions. However the senses drag the mind to falsehood and the mind in turn becomes a slave to the senses. Human beings act indiscriminately and reap the consequences. There are so many guideposts to nobility. But people out of their greed choose bad ways and end up in misery. Each and every individual should abhor violence and hatred and turn to understanding and LOVE. This life is not a one-time affair. Life is continuous evolvement. We have to follow the dictum's of saints and sages and lead a noble life..
Why and when all the advise, wishes, slogans etc. most needed? Of course when we face a period like this, as you described. Population keeps on increases so the share of amenities per person decreases which finally results in increase of more and more desires, competitions, groups forming for power and ultimately in clashes. It is expected and with this vices like dishonesty, bribery, bad tricks and bad conducts, every thing that is immoral increases in people’s mind and they become habituated. It can not be removed completely however the time period is but can be lessen only by decreasing populations anyhow, spreading morals, and increasing defending powers by whatever means etc. What else or alternative can we use? All the intelligence of genuine should be at work in this respect
Different Gods! Classified by man-made religions! Why our Gods did not patent their creations?
More about the question: - Reading of books on religion has ruined me and I am always in a confusion on Gods and religions. I believe in a God seen in my vision and interact with Him, as I am His creation. I do not praise Him but I present my need to him as a son does with his father. On this I am very clear in my outlook. But those who believe that Gods other than theirs must answer my question! Patent laws then were not applicable, I believe!
Many religions began before the development of writing and were only written down later. It would have been hard to patent their ideas. Also, most of the religions were invented by people who didn't even know about other religions, so they saw no reason for a patent. But you have a good idea. Wonder why God didn't think of it.
Apparently- there are no lawyers in heaven.
All the lawyers are in hell and work for the devil
No different Gods/Religions. Ours and yours Creator is one & same. People fail to know, identify and recognise Him. He sent many messengers (prophets) and books at different periods & places with one & same teachings & guidance for people. People believed & followed them for some period (years. decades or centuries) but became arrogant & rebels later and started sins/crimes. He again sent His messenger for them. Thus the same teachings & religion continued in whole world with a little change according to period & place. Finally it ended with the Last Prophet and the Holy Book, who confirmed all previous Prophets & Books and completed His teachings for the people. Those teachings are evident, clearly written unambiguously, translations thereof are abundantly available. One may read, consider, think and decide its truth or falsity on every routine life topic. Accepting, believing and practicing them is voluntary with no compulsion therefore.
What is more precious? Materialistic possessions or honor including character and chastity!?
More about the question: - In a society plagued with all known evils and many submit to it meekly, without finding any deviation in it, this is a relevant question and deserves your response. Please do not fail to answer!
I would never sacrifice my honour or chastity for materialistic rewards.
Obviously honor and chastity are more important.
People with no sense of honor or respect dominate today's culture though, so it is very appealing for many people to forget about the important things in life.
Material possessions, honour and chastity are vastly over rated.
Character, Honor,Chasity and Loyalty!!!
Nothing comes before one's honor....least in my book.
I'll stand alone, be called a fool, names, etc.....but my honor will never fail. I cut my own path, for I lead. I will not follow the blind.
There is no particular honor in chastity. By including chastity you in fact disqualify the whole question. Character, of course, is a different story. I think the most precious thing is character, then honor, then "materialistic" possessions, then some other things, and then, maybe, chastity (if desired).
Honor has nothing to do with chastity.. it has to do with honesty, trustworthiness, altruism. Just because someone does not decide to be chaste does not make them dishonorable.
It's an interesting question, given that material possessions are tangible, and such things as "honor" and "character" are abstract, and as such do not exist outside the imagination.
"Chastity," I fear, is a frozen asset.
It depends on the state of mind of the person answering. If they are existing on the animal level. They'll want form in the physical sense.
If they are more aware, then they will want thought forms and pursue ideals such as honor.
Ultimately, we need to realize the Christ and Buddha divine mind and release attachment to form.
Get real here. We all do need materialistic possessions to sustain our living and maybe some comfort to come with it. As long as we maintain our moral values (honesty, generosity, hard working, no greediness...) while obtaining those materialistic possessions, I don't see anything wrong with that.
Honor and Character are much more important. While I really love some of my "stuff" and Im by no means wealthy by american standards, I would take a life of character and love and honor over a life of just stuff....My grandfather once said and I quote " If I can't take it with me then I'm not going" and guess what happened??? YUP you got it, he died anyway and know what else? He didn’t take a thing with him except his birthday suit.
I believe that we limit possibilities with either/or questions. Both/and questions open us up to a place where we can share our thoughts, imaginations and destinies. Both/and questions encourage us to listen to other points-of view and give others the patience and understanding to listen to us. We can have all or some of the things that you have mentioned. None are intrinisically evil by themselves or together. The key is in finding a personal balance within ourselves without degrading the route to meaning and answers that have been discovered by others.
None of these are ultimately important. Possessions too closely held end up owning you. Honor is a form of pride and self-delusion. (Perhaps you mean integrity.) And chastity, although one aspect of respect for the dignity of others, can easily be a cover for arrogance.
The most precious values are realistic humility, compassion and a sense of justice for the helpless and excluded.
Thanks for your sincerity in getting answers.
My Answer is: More precious is definitely honor including character and chastity.
The feeling of inner 'lightness', peace of mind, sense of satisfaction and contentment are some of the byproducts of being honor etc.
In nutshell, one will enjoy the 'quality of life, which may be difficult to explain though one may experience and 'feel' that quality.
Is not conversion a heinous and shameful act and a violation of the law of creation?
More about the question: - As the son of a Christian priest I have observed Harijans being converted to Christianity on inducements. Those days T Vs were not present. A Bishop assigned to this job would visit the Church and he would place on a Black Board pictures of Jesus Christ in action and talk about His noble preaching and love. At the end clothes will be distributed to the poor people. Many will choose to get converted to Christianity anticipating conversion rewards but it was not based on faith, but on need. What happens afterwards? They will refuse to join the congregation as they were still segregated. The Church stood on a hill and the cemetery was in layers – up to down. The bottom layer was allotted for these converted low cast Harijans. They were known then as Pulayas and Parayas and were living in abject poverty – sometimes eating animal carcasses and left-overs. Gandhiji named them Harijans and gave them some deserving consolation. I put this question in this context!
Forced conversion is always wrong. No one should join any religion unless they are actually convinced of its veracity or have a heartfelt belief therein.
It would be unloving if someone kept the enjoyment of God from others
Of course there are loving ways of talking to people and unloving ways, and the Bible commands us to speak the truth in love
I do question it because conversion is usually done by promises in which man should not be making. It is also done by fear, "believe in God, or go to hell." I feel it should be a personal relationship, and not done in fear.
Conversion is never by inducement, allurement or by force. It is always by heart. The problem is that in our country the downtrodden are paid no attention, neither by the main religions nor by the government. Christianity has taught this country, education, health and lifestyle. In Orissa Rev. Stein used to provide braziers to the naked adivasi ladies and under garments to the people. He taught the people to wear clothes, bathing and keeping neat and clean. He provided education also to these downtrodden and neglected tribe. In this way many converted to Christianity by their free will. Do you call it forcibly converting? If some high cast does not like conversion to Christianity, they should do all goods to the people, which Christians are doing. Are these people serious about the plight of the non-Christians who are allegedly being converted? Do they take care of them? Do they provide them lively hood? Do they take care of health of the poor people? Are they arranging education and healthcare for these people? No. Further, Is conversion illegal? Every citizen of India has a right under Article 25 of the Constitution of India to profess any religion he likes. If I want to profess Islam, who can forbid me from doing so? If I want to convert to Hinduism, will Hindus resist?
Further, this is a hollow propaganda by the anti-Christian forces that Christians are converting Hindus to Christianity. They blame that Christians are engaged in paying money for conversion. Is it not ridiculous? Can any body change one's religious feelings by giving money or kind? No. Come on! pay me a million dollars, I shall convert to your religion, but can you change my heart?
I know a court case, wherein antichristian forces got filed a case by a Hindu alleging that a pastor has converted him to Christianity by force. While cross-examining the lawyer asked, " Were you made Christian? "yes" he replied. "Are you now Christian or Hindu?" No. I am still Hindu" he replied. The judge acquitted the pastor on the plea taken by the lawyer ie "If the complainant is still a Hindu, it means he has not been converted". So to say that conversion to any religion cannot be effected by force, allurement or inducement.
Again a thing! The religious meetings and function are being disturbed and interfered by the antichristian forces. Administration keeps mum. I say do these forces have right to disturb the religious meetings an functions.? Have they right to beat up and punish the Christians. This is a job of Judiciary. If they find any illegal conversion they shoud initiate legal proceedings against the accused. Only the judiciary is to punish the culprit. Therefore I do not believe in "Conversion by inducement". Conversion is neither heinous nor shameful nor violation of law.
Trying to buy a human into a religion or practices is certainly devilish. At the same time looking for buyers is equally mean. In an ideal society, people should be free to practice their harmless beliefs and children should be free to challenge their parents' beliefs.
Mother Teresa's argument favouring job reservations for Harijan Christians proves that conversions did not improve social status but certainly created division in the society.
There is no harm in allowing a willing person to convert to other faith. When we are born we didn’t know what we have to practice. A faith is thrust upon us by our parents, though in later part of our lives we may realise the uselessness of the religion we may be following. In my humble opinion, the people who do not allow freedom to follow one's path are actually doing a very heinous crime themselves. God will never forgive them, I know for sure.
Conversion is not wrong according to any law. Primarily conversion is God's natural law. where all coverts into another being for example chemical conversion. When you are talking about Christians converting the harijans to their religion is wrong, here is my point. Were there Brahmins in our country before the Aryans invaded India? After their coming this religion and casteism started. Then these who find truth in what they study and find it to be right logically, they can accept. Seeing the dirty side of suffronisation and it's duel policy Dr,Ambedkar converted into Buddhism. We are here on earth for some time then we have to face eternity of hell and heaven, So we have to seek God and one finds His God to be the one then he can believe, if not go to seek HIm and find Him, because it is a matter of eternity. But if Christians are doing force conversion then they are violating the human personal law. We have freedom to choose what is the best. Indian constitution forbids force converion: not self voluntary conversion based upon his/her knowledge
If you being a christian really want to know the truth about these people then please log on to:-
Creation did not create religion. It was evolved by humans for their convenience to achieve the ultimate goal of Moksha. So Conversion from one faith to another is only your trial and fail method to reach your goal. What is wrong with it? But if you are talking in western world's perspective then things would be different and it would have an altogether different connotation for eastern world
One more term for Dr. Abdul Kalam! Does it suit his interests and image?
More about the question: - India never had a Prime Minister and President duo of spotless character as we Indians have now. Dr. Abdul Kalam is the most loved President India ever had. He is now at his heights of glory. He has tenaciously managed to be in friendship with the Government through adjustments and accommodation. But do you think he will be able to survive in the same capsule for another term when serious issues are popping up frequently now and then that can sully his well-guarded image? How relevant is the slogan “Quit in grace at the height of Glory”?
I agree with you that Dr. Abdul Kalam is the most loved President India ever had. He is now at his heights of glory. He has tenaciously managed to be in friendship with the Government. I am of opinion that not only he will survive will be able to manage well the serious issues popping up. I do not agree that you should quit at the height of glory. You should not quit at all You should be ready to serve the society in real sense and in honest manner whatever may be the consequences. There is always criticism both positive or negative of every action you do. We should not get afraid of them and quit.
According to the latest report Abdul kalam doesn't like to have a second term. He said to the students of IIT Madras he will be back there as a teacher. In my opinion Kalam could serve the nation better as a teacher by kindling his profound knowledge in various topics to mould India's new generations. By the by Indian president is like a glorified celebrity. In our system prime minister had got much power, so a person like Kalam is much suited to the job of a teacher.
Could you identify the forces that viciously strike at the root of humanity and divide them?
More about the question: - Religions, Regions, Races, Colours and Classes - all join together and draw humanity in pre-determined directions and the integrated identity of mankind is being rooted out. Leaders and Institutions minus character and ethics escape unaccounted. Could you bring in the existing and more unidentified culprits to the stage and expose the guilty for the sake of humanity?
That would be the class of extra-dimensional beings who have the ability to stand immediately outside our perception, in the next dimension, and speak to us suggestions such as want, take, and keep. Then they suggest resist, fight, and kill. All the while, they conjure acceptable reasons for doing what we know is wrong. They are what we might call "the immortals," and have plenty of time, so instead of outright fighting us, they are taking their time to con us into doing their dirty work and kill each other off. When the last human dies, they move in and take over our planet.
They cannot be "exposed" because they can go where we cannot--so far. But we can ignore them, starting with the realization that no one who is really God would ever need a human's help in dispensing the justice of execution. "Killing for God" (or Allah) is the excuse of the violent, justifying his or her violence. We need to realize that and always be ready to explain to all who claim this that they serve no "god" at all except themselves.
Humanity is always undivided. No religion, region, race can divide it. Culprits are inhuman to be punished. Justice to be expedited and announced vigourously thro' all media. Greed and lust are the only two forces which are abusing Humanity but these cannot divide Humanity.
The human being itself is a paradox. We are both a physical, and a spiritual being. Therefore our world is filled with paradoxes. Situations which work against themselves, and are self-defeating.
According to Raja Yoga there are the 5 main "GUILTY" vices that divide the world at the present. They are all rootened in body consciousness that is a materialistic view of the self and the world. So the 5 vices that come from body consciousness are lust, anger, greed, dependency and ego. They attack the wellbeing of each individual and thus the state of the world today. That is where each one has to become concerned about one's own state of spiritual health urgently. A sign of spiritual health is being happy and making others happy too. More details in Raja Yoga meditation Course.
Human mind is the culprit
How do you term religions that commercialize education and job market with huge donations and capitation fees?
More about the question: - Current Medical Education Capitation fee for entry into a church-run institution in Kerala is stated to be Rs.25 to 35 lakhs for resident and non-resident Indians under Management quota. We cannot complain of fleecing by Medical profession as they are entitled to recover their investment in education? Who we will identify as primary culprits? It pains that the fleecing is done by ordained High Priests of Churches established in the name of Jesus Christ who drove away traders from the Church premises. 55 years ago my father, a devoted Christian priest approached our Bishop for a School teacher’s job for me and an admission in the Training College for my sister under his Management. He demanded a hefty sum of Rs.2000/- for the Teacher’s job and a capitation fee of Rs.1500/- for Training College entry. We lost as the Church poorly paid my father. While my father remained loyal to the church till his death, I have developed absolute contempt for these shylocks in holy robes.
And so you will throw out the baby with the bath water. If and that is IF because you used the term Bishop, gave you any of the baby to begin with.
I think He gave a lot of tradition, very little Bible, except to substantiate His position.
Sounds as if the old grab your money operation was in operation.
When they talk of Money, a bell should go off in your head. WARNING WARNING.
Is it Jesus Christ at a price?
No price for me, He paid my way.
Given that they taught you anything about Jesus except use His name once in a while.
How about the Bible, did they promote reading it? I'll bet not.
Since we are discussing religion and spirituality in this column, we need to understand one thing very clearly and that is, that God has showered equal blessings on all of us. If that is not true, God is not worth its name. But seeing the disparities prevailing in this world, it does look to us that those who are rich and influential are more blessed than others, God has created us not for indulging in materialistic pleasures. He has created us as human body form, to realise our true aim. This facility, He has given in equal measure to all the human beings.
So we should not while away our precious time in finding fault with people or systems, which lure us to the material obsessions. That will give us the peace of mind, and we will start living happily and perhaps take a step or two towards reaching our goal
Does not judicial obligations call for suo motu action on violators of the Preamble of the Constitution?
More about the question: - The preamble of the Indian Constitution calls for the development of a Scientific Temper. When an Indian Evangelist widely proclaims through many prominent T V Channels that Jesus Christ came down and was with him - His first visit after resurrection was in the last century and was on Benny Hinn - for full three hours without refusing to disclose the place, time, the dress He was wearing, the language in which He communicated, His complexion and His general appearance, does it not amount the violation of the development of a Scientific Temper solely meant to cheat the believers for monetary gain. The Evangelist has widely advertised the creation of a Cassette that costs Rs.250/- that contains his prophecy for the year 2007 after self-conferring him with the status of a Biblical Prophet. People who are awed and misconceived on religious tenets finance his personal commercial ventures built up by non-taxable yields. If the Judiciary is silent on such violations who else can act?
Why would your constitution protect people against being dumb enough to believe something that has no basis in any religious doctrine or text.
Does not self-torture for blessings-gain, offend the Almighty and present Him sadly sadistic?
More about the question: - I have observed in many places of worship, the devotees inflicting grave injuries on their God-gifted bodies to please Him and thus gain His blessings. The most surprising thing is that it has the sanction of the society and spirituality as a whole. The penance includes rolling over long distance, piercing the tongue and the cheek and beating the chest. Hysterical seizures are also observed in front of the Deity. One can understand it, if these practices are confined to illiterates. Even the highly literate, rich and men of eminence practice it to the dismay of the enlightened. The party-steered political atheists too are no exceptions; they do it stealthily. Is it not the duty of the Heads of Religions to stop this practice through strict orders prohibiting it? The Government cannot ban this practice as religions are involved. But it can definitely start a campaign of enlightenment against this barbaric practice of self-physical and mental violation. Can't it?
You would have thought so!
I think it saddens the Almighty more than offends Him. The Almighty YHVH set up a system. He sent His “Son” YAHOSHUA to die for the sins of mankind so they would not have to. (They could choose to, but did not have to). Any person who chooses not to allow Yahoshua to take care of their sins, chooses to remain attached to their sins. They thus will wind up in the lake of fire which is YHVH’s method of cleaning this world, and eliminating sin and sinners. The Creator set aside the Seventh day for rest and worship. Yes that is the day usually called “Saturday”. We are not saved by obedience, we are saved by faith. However we are saved FOR obedience. As He said in John 14:15 (and in many other places) “If you love me, keep my commandments.
Churchianity is a pagan religion. The only thing that will change a person is the indwelling savior Yahoshua. Obviously that is rare in this sinful world.
My goodness, who does that stuff? Voodoo people? I have never seen the likes of any of that stuff in a Christian Church. I would definitely say that is not required of followers of Christ.
Of course self mutilation is a bad thing and goes against christian and for the most part moral teaching. But the sad fact is that it isn't just confined to Christianity many secular and non secular institutions believe in a practice of self mutilation as a form of enlightenment.
Whether it is just a misinterpretation of scripture or a Strong belief that pain must come from learning is hard to say, but i agree that such a practice must be stopped wherever possible and if religions will not , then put in place a wider and more understanding piece of legislation that will. Jesus himself died for our sins and i am sure that he wouldn't l;like to see the needless suffering of individuals in the name of his religion
If you come a-knocking at MY door, wanting to convert ME, I'll set my hounds after you. I wouldn't even send THEM to your church. If you do any of that stuff, you are nuts.
I know it is practiced in Hinduism, especially in south India. It is cruel on the body and I personally would not advocate it.
My thanks to Hosse_John's for his answer, I think he is almost exactly right. Jesus suffered grave injuries and suffered terribly when he was crucified, so for us to deliberately undertake these things ourselves to try and please God will do anything but. It shows a misunderstanding of what Jesus accomplished in his death.
It is due to lack of proper orientation in religious beliefs.After all God is omnipresent, and omniscient. We live in God, move about, by His support, just as fish lives in water. God is within us and around us. This message has to be taken to the people.
It is quite obvious. The message is not new to the people. If they are asked about this, they will answer in the affirmative. But they lack in conviction
Self torture does in fact create spiritual energy in the body and
brings one to states of ecstasy. I don't feel however that that
is the way to experience ones spirituality. It is like relying on a drug to get high.
Just as I do not feel magical practices are correct.
As the tools used are only extensions of the spirits power that
is within. And magical tools are crutches. What will they do in time of spiritual trouble without them?
The True path is harder and takes more effort. But we need to learn to use our own spiritual power. Not crutches or enslaving
other forms of spiritual life.
There are umpteen ways and means for spirituality. What said in Bhagwadgita do your "allotted duty" which will be treated as praying GOD. (Karma Yogi) No barbaric acts. It is all depends upon individuals approach, learning process, brought up background
How would you react to Church Heads participating in Commercial Evangelists' money-spinning carnivals?
More on the above question! I am a regular viewer of Commercial Evangelists' soap operas telecast through different channels all over the world where they claim of Holy Spirit’s intervention, divine healing and go on misinterpreting Bible to suit their interests. What I find most disgusting is the presence of ecclesiastical community, mostly Bishops, sharing the podium, nodding, singing and gesturing in appreciation of misplaced Evangelism. Judas Iscariot betrayed Christ for 30 silvers by kissing him. Here the Evangelists are warmly kissed betraying and tarnishing the image of Jesus Christ and Christianity either for a TV-Screen presence or for some tangible returns. The pathetic fact is that the presence of church-heads gives respectability and credibility to the Commercial Evangelists that help them in their collection drive and their building personal assets all over the world. Is this not a deplorable conduct that is hostile to Christianity and the faith of true Christians?
If God has intended that man should learn His religion from a book, the Bible, surely God would have given that book to man. Christ would have given that book to man. Did He do it? He did not. Christ sent His Apostles throughout the whole universe and said, "Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you."
Christ did not say, "Sit down and write Bibles and scatter them over the earth, and let every man read his Bible and judge for himself." If Christ had said that, there would never have been a Christianity on the earth at all, but a Babylon and confusion instead, and never one Church, the union of one body. Hence, Christ never said to His Apostles, "Go and write Bibles and distribute them, and let everyone judge for himself." That injunction was reserved for the Sixteenth Century, and we have seen the result of it. Ever since the Sixteenth Century there have been springing up religion upon religion, and churches upon churches, all fighting and quarreling with one another, and all because of the private interpretation of the Bible.
Christ sent His Apostles with authority to teach all nations, and never gave them any command of writing the Bible. And the Apostles went forth and preached everywhere, and planted the Church of God throughout the earth, but never thought of writing.
Up to that time the whole world for three hundred years did not know what the Bible was. Hence, they could not take the Bible for their guide, for they did not know what constituted the Bible. Would our Divine Saviour, if He intended man to learn his religion from a book, have left the Christian world for three hundred years without that book? Most assuredly not.
It is Divine Faith alone by which we give honor and glory to God, by which we adore His infinite wisdom and veracity. That adoration and worship is necessary for salvation.
We must have Faith in order to be saved, and we must have Divine Faith, not human faith. Human faith will not save a man, but only Divine Faith. What is Divine Faith? It is to believe, upon the authority of God, the truths that God has revealed, that is Divine Faith. To believe all that God has taught upon the authority of God, and to believe without doubting, without hesitation. For the moment you begin to doubt or hesitate, that moment you begin to mistrust the authority of God, and, therefore, insult God by doubting His word. Divine Faith, therefore, is to believe without doubting and without hesitating. Human faith is belief upon the authority of men, on human authority. But Divine Faith is to believe without doubting, without hesitating, whatsoever God has revealed upon the authority of God, upon the Word of God.
Fr. Arnold Damen, S.J. (1815 - 1890)
I have little interest in them, but I wish they would stop it! They work more for confusion than they do for God.
Of course it's deplorable. But hardly surprising. These people are inwardly ravening wolves, feeding on the more gullible of God's sheep. They have their parallel in the money-changers of the temple. They had better be prepared to be cast out as those were.
You mention Church Heads, but in reality there is only one head of the church and that is Christ. "even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body." Ephesians 5:23
If you are a Christian (as I am too) then this is embarrassing and a major misrepresentation, but as I think about this several thoughts came to me.
1a. God is God and we are not.
2. Leaders of Churches are human. They are not God. They mess up. They put their feet in their mouths. EVEN ON TV
3. We all don't worship God the same way. God made us all different. Thank the Lord we aren't robots.
More on the above question! I am a regular viewer of Commercial Evangelists' soap operas telecast through different channels all over the world where they claim of Holy Spirit’s intervention, divine healing and go on misinterpreting Bible to suit their interests. What I find most disgusting is the presence of ecclesiastical community, mostly Bishops, sharing the podium, nodding, singing and gesturing in appreciation of misplaced Evangelism. Judas Iscariot betrayed Christ for 30 silvers by kissing him. Here the Evangelists are warmly kissed betraying and tarnishing the image of Jesus Christ and Christianity either for a TV-Screen presence or for some tangible returns. The pathetic fact is that the presence of church-heads gives respectability and credibility to the Commercial Evangelists that help them in their collection drive and their building personal assets all over the world. Is this not a deplorable conduct that is hostile to Christianity and the faith of true Christians?
If God has intended that man should learn His religion from a book, the Bible, surely God would have given that book to man. Christ would have given that book to man. Did He do it? He did not. Christ sent His Apostles throughout the whole universe and said, "Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you."
Christ did not say, "Sit down and write Bibles and scatter them over the earth, and let every man read his Bible and judge for himself." If Christ had said that, there would never have been a Christianity on the earth at all, but a Babylon and confusion instead, and never one Church, the union of one body. Hence, Christ never said to His Apostles, "Go and write Bibles and distribute them, and let everyone judge for himself." That injunction was reserved for the Sixteenth Century, and we have seen the result of it. Ever since the Sixteenth Century there have been springing up religion upon religion, and churches upon churches, all fighting and quarreling with one another, and all because of the private interpretation of the Bible.
Christ sent His Apostles with authority to teach all nations, and never gave them any command of writing the Bible. And the Apostles went forth and preached everywhere, and planted the Church of God throughout the earth, but never thought of writing.
Up to that time the whole world for three hundred years did not know what the Bible was. Hence, they could not take the Bible for their guide, for they did not know what constituted the Bible. Would our Divine Saviour, if He intended man to learn his religion from a book, have left the Christian world for three hundred years without that book? Most assuredly not.
It is Divine Faith alone by which we give honor and glory to God, by which we adore His infinite wisdom and veracity. That adoration and worship is necessary for salvation.
We must have Faith in order to be saved, and we must have Divine Faith, not human faith. Human faith will not save a man, but only Divine Faith. What is Divine Faith? It is to believe, upon the authority of God, the truths that God has revealed, that is Divine Faith. To believe all that God has taught upon the authority of God, and to believe without doubting, without hesitation. For the moment you begin to doubt or hesitate, that moment you begin to mistrust the authority of God, and, therefore, insult God by doubting His word. Divine Faith, therefore, is to believe without doubting and without hesitating. Human faith is belief upon the authority of men, on human authority. But Divine Faith is to believe without doubting, without hesitating, whatsoever God has revealed upon the authority of God, upon the Word of God.
Fr. Arnold Damen, S.J. (1815 - 1890)
I have little interest in them, but I wish they would stop it! They work more for confusion than they do for God.
Of course it's deplorable. But hardly surprising. These people are inwardly ravening wolves, feeding on the more gullible of God's sheep. They have their parallel in the money-changers of the temple. They had better be prepared to be cast out as those were.
You mention Church Heads, but in reality there is only one head of the church and that is Christ. "even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body." Ephesians 5:23
If you are a Christian (as I am too) then this is embarrassing and a major misrepresentation, but as I think about this several thoughts came to me.
1a. God is God and we are not.
2. Leaders of Churches are human. They are not God. They mess up. They put their feet in their mouths. EVEN ON TV
3. We all don't worship God the same way. God made us all different. Thank the Lord we aren't robots.
Don’t you agree that enforcing celibacy on certain ecclesiastic orders leads to stealthy immoral behavior?
More about the question: - This is an explanation and not an answer. As early as 1950 I studied in a church-run College and I observed that something was rotten in the state of Denmark on moral platform. Among students were many deacons and young priests who were frustrated on denial of marriage. Many of these were offerings to God at their tender age by faith-misled parents. A friend of mine received a beautiful love letter from a Nun expressing her dejection and her desire to marry him. The person expired soon on snakebite. I still wail for both the departed and the living. Denial of conjugal rights is denial of human rights and the effective application of God-gifted human reproductive system. To me it is thus a violation of the very concept of Nature. . Where physical urge overtakes moral restrictions, violation takes place and guilt sets in. On whom do you fix the crime for this chaotic state of moral slavery?
I believe that God gives special blessings for the religious life, therefore, their spiritual life is strengthened, while their desires of the flesh are suppressed.
It is possible that enforcing celibacy on certain ecclesiastic orders may leads to stealthy immoral behaviour. But at the same time celibacy is welcomed if it is through a saturation point of sensual experience and for better or the best life beyond which is a fact.
Enforcing any type of discipline on certain people leads to stealthy immoral behavior.
Let priests marry and then you'll have adulterous immoral behavior, too, and lots more of it, if married protestant preachers are any indicator.
Let the church deal with this in its own way.
It's painful, but it will be resolved eventually.
Things happen to those who do not live a life of celibacy, so your question needs corrected.
Below are just a few examples (emphasis on the word "few" for many, many, more could be given) showing that the Catholic Church is not the only church being rocked by scandals. A simple glance a the newspaper is enough to show that scandals can be found in the Protestant denominations as well.
The Episcopal Church has officially accepted it first openly gay bishop. (Associated Press, Wednesday, August 6, 2003)
Pastor Phil Lloyd-Side of the James Lees Memorial Presbyterian Church speaking to a crowd in support of Gay -marriages. (Associated Press, Thursday, September 9, 2004)
Rev Larry J. Davis of the First Baptist Church in cold spring, KY. was arrested for the crime of embezzling almost $800,000 of his Churches Money. (Associated Press, Thursday, June 10, 2005)
Rev. Irene Elizabeth Stoud, is a lesbian associate pastor at the United Methodist Church in Philadelphia. (Associated Press, Thursday, December 2, 2004)
A official of the local Lutheran Church named Dennis Rader, is arrested for the crime of kidnapping, torturing and killing ten People in Wichita Kansas. (Associated Press, Monday, February 28, 2005)
A 80 year old Baptist Preacher is sentenced to 60 years prison, for murder three people. (Associated Press, Friday, June 24, 2005)
The Pro-gay Katharine Jefferts is elected the 26th Presiding Bishop (the official head) of the Episcopal Church in America, she is the first Female ever elected to this position. (Associated Press, Monday, June 19, 2006)
Presbyterian Church votes on proposal to give local congregations leeway on ordaining clergy and lay officers living in guy relationships. (USA Today, Tuesday, June 20, 2006)
Presbyterian Church votes on proposal to give local congregations leeway on ordaining clergy and lay officers living in guy relationships. (USA Today, Tuesday, June 20, 2006)
Where are we heading to, with cultural, environmental, life values and political pollution?
More about the question: - The age-old Indian culture is fast rotting. Brotherhood between people is mostly lost. The seven deadly sins have taken on many. The elders and teachers are neither respected nor do they deserve respect by their conduct.
The T V culture has taken over and way-ward sex and life styles are no more taboos.
Political pollution is at its worst. Corrupt men at the helm rule the roost. Coalition forces compromises on principles. The country is sinking.
Environmental pollution has made the nature dirty and the rivers are stinking. The air we breathe is poisonous. Garbage dumps and slums are every-where. The Nature erupts, suffocates and shakes.
Life Values are not valued. Corruption has set even in Judiciary, the main pillar of Democracy. Educational Institutions target fleecing and do not impart character on its wards. Dejection and comfort are found in drugs, drinks, tobacco and way-ward life-styles.
Causing a birth will soon be termed as a sin. To be true WISDOM restricts it.
The only thing I see different from the past is TV. The fact that TV has been used to restore our morals to the low levels that they once were is truly sad. Truly, political corruption comes and goes. Throughout the Millennia it takes good people like you to stand up and say, "enough is enough" to restore goodness and quality to our values.
Best regards, keep up the good work.
Ask Him into your life and let His Wisdom restore it.
Nothing lasts forever. Where is Olympus, where are the Pharaohs with all their power and wealth? With the impending nuclear war again, what will last? Everything got destroyed but the Word of God for two thousand years are still here. Even the tallest buildings were destroyed. the pyramids are deteriorating.
Well the first thing is to make SURE the next President is someone that has proven integrity. Everyone should read 'Nemesis' for the low-down facts of what's wrong & how US is heading toward bankruptcy at the beckon of it's enemies. A normal tendency is to choose the top dollar campaigners and guess whose $$ is a large part of it. Only a few have acted on border security. Also someone who screams freedom while pointing a bayonet doesn't relate well, we need someone who wants to make amends for our Imperialistic involvements in the past, backing the tyrants as in 1953 Iran overthrow of Shah. Not go to war b/c of oil possession killing in the name of terrorism. We have alot of wounds to mend if we want to change our image and don't look to this Congress or Administration to do it.
I believe we are heading right into self destruction, our societies around the world have simply gone mad, and have taken leave of their senses, our world has become violent, and corrupt with greed for power and wealth, hatred for one another grows daily, we have been given a beautiful world to live on, but our actions and disrespect for it surly tells me we do not deserve it.
You are exactly right we are going to destroy the world we are responsible for that how should I tell you that the same questions I asked with the head of disaster management officers , they replied that should we stop the utilization of raw material. I am sad to know the views of that responsible officer who are even not ready to accept the things that technologies are destroying the universe. Everyday the number of vehicles, factories are increasing and they are not ready to accept that we are killing people.
The only way is to change us and make some laws for controlling the situation. So a group of people like you should be formed who can tell that how moving the vehicle is killing the people how we are killing the people by water mismanagement.
So if you are interested please mail me. I pray to the God introduce me the people of the same mind. Every thing that goes down has to come up. Some generations have to pay the price
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